Mistletoe (Castiel x Reader)

382 9 2

Characters: Castiel x Reader, Sam, Dean, Jo

Word Count: 1369

Request by Tumblr anon: Can you please do a one shot where reader is trying to explain to Cas what the tradition with mistletoe is and then turns into lots of making out?

Warnings: Less-than-kind words about a certain holiday

A/N: It's Christmastime, so have a Christmas-y fic.



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Another round of patrons leaves the Roadhouse, leaving only your small group in the bar, accompanied by a twinkling Christmas tree in one corner

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Another round of patrons leaves the Roadhouse, leaving only your small group in the bar, accompanied by a twinkling Christmas tree in one corner. Even the air has a Christmas-y scent to it. You've been trying and failing to drown it out with every type of booze on the shelf.

You eye the last trickle of rum in your glass and down it before you can think too hard.

Jo drops a coin in the jukebox and fills the air with an upbeat jingle. You can't help the groan that leaves your lips.

"I don't get it, (Y/N)," Sam slurs in the bar stool beside you. "I mean, who hates Christmas?"

You shrug. "Come on, it's a commercial holiday. All it's good for is toy companies and an excuse to get hammered."

"It also may be worth mentioning Jesus Christ was born in modern-day October four years before 1 AD," Castiel says.

"Historically inaccurate Pagan freaks," you mutter. "Also, what the hell's up with mistletoe? That's the creepiest thing ever."

The green and white sprigs hang scattered around the dining room, mocking you and your less-than-holiday spirit.

"Are you kidding?" Dean says, rising from his seat. "Mistletoe's the best part of Christmas."

To prove his point, he plucks the nearest bunch from where it hangs on a red ribbon and tosses it from one hand to the other, winking.

"I'll bet you a tab you strike out," you call to him.

He points back at you, smirking, from his path toward the table Jo wipes down. "You're on."

You watch as he saunters up to her, holding the sprig high over them as he says something that makes her roll her eyes.

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