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finn: suh dude

stargirl ☆: 1. no... 2. yOU MESSAGED ME FIRSTT

finn: yeah, only because i'm desperate, aND I MEAN DESPERATE, to talk to someone.

stargirl ☆: you know what? i'll take it

finn: why "stargirl ☆"?

stargirl ☆: idk, it was edgy, change it if you must

finn: will do

y/n: what'd you change it to?

finn: your name

y/n: creative aren't we?

finn: very.

y/n: so,, hru

finn: better, now that i'm talking to you ;)

y/n: woAh okay

finn: lol jk no homo

y/n: but im... nvm

finn: uhm okay so now that we're friends i expect you not to tell your friends what we talk about. i could get in trouble if i open up to you and you go spill out my secrets. you're not just a fan now, you're my friend. and i want to trust you. can i trust you?

y/n: don't worry about it. i don't have any friends to tell anyway haha. trust me, everything we talk about will stay in the chat, i'm not that kind of person.

finn: so i can trust you?

y/n: yes.

finn: good. :)

y/n: :)

finn: uh so i gtg,, ill talk to you later

y/n: bYE

2:43 am

finn: y/n?

y/n: hey whats up? why are you up so late?

finn: idk, i couldn't sleep. i wanted to talk to someone.

y/n: are you okay?

finn: not really.

y/n: whats wrong?

finn: my parents.

y/n: whats about them?

finn: they keep fighting. i can't sleep when they fight. it makes me feel horrible, like it's my fault. 

y/n: why would it be your fault, finn?

finn: ever since i started acting they've been fighting more. over the smallest things.

y/n: finn, don't blame this on yourself, it has nothing to do with you. people who love each other fight. my dad, before he passed, always fought with my mom. but they loved each other, so much. no one can just agree with everything a person does or says, so please. don't put this on your shoulders.

finn: thank you, i appreciate it. <3

y/n: anytime. you should get some sleep.

finn: you're right. why aren't you asleep though?

y/n: we'll talk about it some other time. goodnight, finn.

finn: goodnight,  y/n. ily. 


word count: 343

i kind of like this chapter. vote?

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