Bad Blood 6

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A/N: I added a translation in some of the german sentences here, and for those who are asking who'll be playing the characters, I don't want to put anyone yet. I'll leave their appearances up to your own imagination first. :)

Despite the late mornight watching with Leon, I still woke up at eight A.M sharp with no reason. I stepped out of my bed and checked the living room to see if Leon's already awake, but the place was deserted. 

I should have figured that of course, he wouldn't wake up this early like Jack would do. I sighed at my mention of Jack's name. I wondered if he's looking for me or is still with the beautiful girl he danced with last night. I blinked, shaking those thoughts away. It suddenly reminded me of my first night with Jack, the idea of what he'll do to me once he become tired of my company. 

I instantly looked for a phone, and my heart thumped against my chest faster at the sight of a telephone that was on a table in the corner of the living room. I immediately rushed to it, but hesitated. What if Jack found out that I called my parents? I know that I'm going to ask him if I ever got the chance, and I trust that he'll agree at the right time. Am I ready to break his trust? I know for sure that he'll be angry, but he needs to understand my situation. He knows what will happen if I'm left in a room with a telephone in it. 

I decided that I'm going to do it so I picked the phone up. I won't let my family know who got me or where I am in respect to Jack, I'll just tell them that I'm okay—nothing more. 

I started to dial my mom's number, but as the saying goes—all good things must come to an end. Leon suddenly emerged from his room with a full-blown bed hair, wearing only his pair of blue boxers. I immediately hanged the phone down and acted innocent, smiling weakly like nothing happened.

He saw me and squinted his eyes, knowing I did something bad. He looked somewhere else and then back to me; he did that for approximately four times before his eyes widened. He suddenly pointed a finger at me while his other hand were on his hips. “You—"

"Please, Leon, I can explain!" I cried out, stopping him from accusing and reprimanding me. "I was only about to do—“

"So you admit it?" He shouted, looking intensely at me, every ounce of drowsiness sucked out from him. "God, Gisele, if Jack ever finds out what you were about to do, I swear—“ his hands turned into fists before he walked back and forth. "My brother's going to freak—“ but a persistent doorbell interrupted him for what he was about to say, which caused both us to flinch.

He pointed a reprimanding finger at me once again, showing me that he's not yet finished. I just shook my head, not knowing what to say as he finally walked to fetch whoever was at the door. 

I pursed my lips in and tried to grasp a hold of myself. I didn't deserve to be reprimanded—I am entitled to do this. What Jack did was basically kidnapping, yes sure, he might have paid for it, but it wasn't legal. I never agreed on anything that have happened which makes it a sure case that can be won in court, the only problem would be, I think I wouldn't win against the Dragos. 

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