Chapter 2

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I woke up the next morning to the sun shining brightly through the windows and faint shouts in the house. My younger sister Allison jumped into my room shouting to look out the window but as soon as she saw me her eyes widened and she scurried off to her room. I gave her a mixed look of both confusion and endearment. The shouting continued and it felt like a normal family weekend, with the smell of pancakes and clean linen in the atmosphere, plus the noise of disney channel and the distant hum of the radio in the background. After contemplating whether to get out of bed or not i decided to look out the window, just like Allison suggested. Just on cue I saw two huge vans pull up, followed by a small car. It could only mean one thing-someone was moving in to the house opposite.

As I made my way downstairs I passed a mirror and gasped at my reflection. My dark brown hair was sticking up in every direction and there was mascara and eye liner smudged half way down my face. There were large dark bags under my eyes and my skin looked a lot paler than usual. Memories of yesterday came flooding into my head. Luke and Ellena. Ellena and Luke.

My head felt heavy as I recalled seeing them together and running home in tears, my heart aching for an explanation. My mind couldn't get over the fact that they were ex lovers or the fact that they never told me. Especially that Ellena didn't, we had been friends for 3 years, she was my first friend when I moved to Sydney and I don't think that there is one thing about me that she doesn't know. That girl was literally my rock- I went to her when I was down and we shared so many memories good and bad. But following recent events I can't even remember the good times we had, everything just seems so wrong.

Luke. I have known him for 3 years too and hell he wasn't just one to talk to when i needed a laugh, he was the main reason i would wake up everyday with a smile on my face. He honestly shaped my life and without him it would be so different. Needless to say I was still absolutely and irrevocably in love with him and he knows that. Seeing him in Ellenas house with their lips locked together tore be in half. i've never felt so much pain at once, I've never felt so empty or alone. After several minutes of standing stationary in the hall of my house i decided on having a cold shower, hoping that the cold water would numb the pain that I was feeling inside.


I managed to get myself together and get ready for swim practice in just over half an hour and I made it downstairs just in time too see Mom leaving the house for work.

"Love you Mom!" I shouted behind her as she was half way out the door.

Her long curly hair whipped around her head as she turned around and mumbled a reply fiddling with her keys on the door in order to close it behind her without a noise. I heavily sighed and grabbed my bag reminding Allison to get her bag ready so I could drop her at her friends house before I headed to practise.

I made it to practise and after 2 hours of competitive swimming coach dismissed us, but not before giving us feedback on our daily performance.

"Maria, you have been great today but you got to work on your breathing!"

"Drew, you're definitely improving good job!"

"Scott, you need to practise more after school you aren't doing too well!"

"Sara" I reluctantly looked up, knowing that it would be bad feedback as last nights events clearly affected my performance.

"You were brilliant, better than usual actually. That swim had more energy than I've seen before, you really went for it."

My mouth fell open and my eyes widened at the news. It was exactly the opposite as to what I was expecting. I didnt think i did that well at all, it was almost as if i collected the anger from the previous night and channeled it into my swimming. I zoned out as coach went through the rest of the team and was just about to leave when he stopped us to say that we have a new member joining the club. Some girls and guys started cheering clearly excited that we have someone new. I ignored them, shrugged the fact off and went home ready to order a pizza and watch films in the dark with the only company being myself.



I heaved my body out of bed and threw my hair in a messy bun before grabbing my gown and heading towards the door. I had no idea who it was but I was silently praying that it wasn't Luke or Ellena because if it was them I honestly do not know what I would do. I went down the last flight of stairs and turned to corner to face Michael.

"MICHAEL" I yelled as I ran into his open arms

"SARA" he replied wrapping his arms around my body and lifting me up. Michael has always been like a brother to me and him being back from holiday was definitely a surprise.

"Michael, why are you here? You were meant to be in london for another week!"

"Aw I know but I missed you, Calum and Luke waaaaay to much" he replied as he purposefully stretched the "way"

I winced the moment he said Luke's name as the sound of it made a strong pain shoot through me. Michael stepped closer and looked me straight in the eyes, I stepped back at this movement praying he didn't realise my sudden reaction. "Sara what's wrong? Why do you look so uncomfortable?"

"Shit" I murmured under my breath and squeezed my eyes shut hoping that it was all just a dream and that i would momentarily wake up. Wow Michael realised something's wrong and it hasn't even been 5 minutes. I awkwardly laughed at my poor acting skills-pretending that everything was ok- but I decided to try and see how long I could keep it up

"um I'm not...what are you talking about?"

"You totally winced when I said luke" he said matter of factly. I winced again at the sound.

"Michael sorry i have no idea what you're talking about, jet lag must be getting to your head."

He raised his eyebrows at my reply and stared me down. "Luke" he whispered me having the same reaction as before. "Luke Luke Luke Luke" he replied getting louder and louder until he was almost shouting. I couldn't take it anymore. The pain and anger was bubbling up inside me and I was about to lose control.

"MICHAEL PLEASE SHUT UP. YOU WANNA KNOW WHATS WRONG? LUKE FUCKING CHEATED ON ME OK THATS WHATS WRONG. ARE YOU HAPPY?" I yelled back in his face. I took a step back surprised by my sudden outburst and didn't even realise the tears falling down my face until I saw Michael sadly look at me, and slowly step forward wrapping his arms right around my body for the second time in minutes.


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