Chapter 7

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I went home that day with many thoughts shadowing over me on my long walk home.

I heard someone yelling my name but ignored it, thinking it was one of those voices in my head. But I knew I was wrong as soon as I heard footsteps behind me getting faster and louder making it obvious the person was sprinting. I turned around puzzled to see Calum running towards me opened armed.

I let out a soft giggle and opened my arms letting him crash his body into mine, his arms tightly wrapping around my waist.

"Sara where the fuck have you been all day I missed you." He mumbled into my neck. I didn't reply so he carried on "I was expecting you to be with Luke or Ellena at lunch but you weren't but i sat there anyway hoping you would join them." He whispered almost questionably.

He pulled apart from the tight embrace and looked at me but his facial expression changed suddenly and that's when I realised I was crying.

"Shit did I say something, I'm so sorry"

"Um were kind of not together anymore? and Im not on speaking terms with Ellena at all ur yeah that's about it" I rambled

"If you don't mind me asking what happened, I hate seeing you like this. You're one of my best friends." He replied, his hand reaching up to my face wiping a tear away.

I breathed in deeply deciding he should know sooner or later, "to cut it short lets just say Luke cheated on me with Ellena and I'm 100% done with the pair of them."

"Oh my god Sara, I feel terrible you don't deserve this." He groaned, frustration taking over him.

"It's fine I'm just going to go home and get my mind of things for a while." I yawned.

"No you're not I'm coming with you." He boldly retorted.

I nodded in agreement to see a cheesy smile etched on his face. He nudged me with his shoulder and we continued to walk home.

When we arrived Calum greeted my mother and afterwards we immediately went to the loft which was my favourite place in the house.

It had a cream coloured carpet with a flat screen TV in the corner, 5 colourful beanbags, a couple mattresses and blankets and fairy lights. It was the best place to relax.

I told Calum everything from A-Z about me walking in on them kissing, to this mornings events of Luke's car by my house. I obviously missed out the mysterious text message part but that was for a reason- i didn't want Calum to worry. I surprised myself as I told him the story without any tears this time.

Afterwards, I sat Calum down and we watched a film and then had dinner. After dinner we returned to the loft and spent about 20 minutes in silence just on our phones occasionally laughing at something we had seen on our tumblr feed and showing the other.

"Sara" Calum announced

"Calum" I replied, mocking his tone.

He snorted and that make me let out a large laugh.

"Michael's coming into school tomorrow he bunked today." He said happiness evident in his voice. I couldn't help but smile at this, for the fact that I could talk to Michael who I was very close with but also because Calum was sitting opposite me bouncing with excitement to see his bestfriend and I found that cute af.

It was about 8pm and Calum had to get going as his mum needed him to run a few errands. We exchanged goodbyes and he swiftly walked out the door.

Tiredness had caught up with me as I made my way to my room, collapsing on my bed.

Despite today's events I lay down on my back and closed my eyes with a smile drawn from ear to ear. Letting it out to Calum really helped me.

I grabbed my phone from my pocket and shoved it in charge, it lit up and I saw a text from Michael

"Can't wait to see my fave tomorrow! X"

"You're such a dork Clifford, but I can't wait to see you either! X" I instantly replied.

"Summers, you're more of a dork than I will ever be. X"

I let out a laugh and closed my eyes once again.

At this moment in time I felt the weight of the world was lifted of my shoulders, Luke and Ellena had left my mind. Michael and Calum were leaving my mind. But there was one person still there, Ashton.



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