Chapter 3

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I spent the next couple of hours shaking and crying out to Michael about Luke and Ellena. I explained to him what I saw and how I immediately came home, he shot me several looks of sympathy yet he didn't say a word.

He let me rant to him about how it's been two days and I've heard nothing and also about just the shock in general that Luke had cheated. I was unaware if I should tell him about the text message I received, with the picture of the pair of them, but I decided against it. Time flew and before I knew it it was time for Michael to leave. I really enjoyed his company and was extremely grateful that he stayed despite me moaning and sobbing for hours on end. He hugged me and looked me straight in the eyes, searching for any sign of human life as i stood there motionless, reluctant to be alone.

"It'll be alright Sara, I promise. Just give it time. See you tomorrow, oh and if school is too much just come find me or call me at any time day or night. I will be there."

Michael stepped towards me and his pale arm went around my neck as he pulled me forward and protectively kissed me on the forehead before leaving without another word.


I woke up to the repetitive bleeping of my alarm clock. I carelessly swung my arm across my bedside table in order to turn it off but I missed the clock and my arm went straight into the mahogany table. "JESUS" I yelled to no one in particular. I jumped into the shower and as usual Luke was preoccupying my thoughts. I didn't know what was going on between us but I made the decision to dress up a bit for school, eager to win his attention. Although I was more than positive that whatever we had was completely over.

I usually got a lift from Luke to school but because of what happened with him and Ellena i decided to walk as it wasn't too far. Which is why when i left the house I was more than surprised to see Luke's car parked on my road.


I mumbled several swear words before walking down the gravel path. I came face to face with Luke who greeted me with an awkward wave. I stared back and raised by eyebrows at his poor attempt of an apology or whatever he was doing. I stared at him long an hard before a noise distracted me. I heard the sound of high heels hitting the ground and thats when I turned around and saw Ellena coming. I swivelled back around to face Luke and could tell Ellena was desperate to get closer as the noise of her heels weren't also getting louder but faster.

"Luke!" She yelled as she approached. She threw her bag at him and hopped into his car.

He shot me a look of mixed emotions and jumped in the car to be greeted to Ellena's lips. I stood there backing up against my gate and holding on to the metal bar behind me as my legs felt numb and my head started spinning. Ellena then pulled apart from Luke and rolled down the window.

"Sara." She stated as if I only just got there. She smirked with a raised eyebrow as Luke stepped on the gas and they drove off to school leaving me on my own.


I walked for about 5 minutes before I heard a loud crash in the sky, I looked up to be blinded by a flash of lightning. Rain came out of now where and covered me, it was as if I was wearing a cloak of water. I ran around the corner to the bus stop eager to find some shelter even if it was temporarily.

About 10 minutes had passed and rain was still trickling down and I thought I was alone in the street. The occasional car passed but I hadn't seen any pedestrians. That was until an unfamiliar body walked towards the bus stop, with his head down and hair covering his face. He looked up at the darkening sky and sighed. The boy was wearing black vans, black shinny jeans and a Led Zeppelin t-shirt. He had no jacket, his arms were bare fighting against the weather. I smiled sympathetically and laughed approvingly at his music taste. He suddenly looked up at me with a death glare as if he just got out of a dream world.

"Is there something funny?" he declared.

"Um no sorry I was just-"

"-good" he replied, his eyes locked on mine, the tension in the air growing rapidly. I wanted to desperately avoid eye contact but I physically couldn't. Everything about this guy seemed so mysterious and I was pulled in to learn more.

He shook his head his brown hair flying around making water spraying everywhere. He reached into his bag and pulled out a bit of paper and I stepped closer intrigued as to what it was. As I edged closer I got the whiff of something strong but foreign, I ignored it, but the closer I got the more stronger the smell got. I didn't want to approach him and ask what was smelling so wretched as I was afraid he would shut me down again, but I was close enough to see what was in his hands it was a leaflet. But that didn't bothered me. It had the words "Norwest Christian College" printed in bold on the front.

That's when it hit me. He was the new student.


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