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Sry this is not an update. WAIT! I have a proposal for all you loyal readers out there! I've noticed I get barely any comments.

I love reading feedback. (Thank you CariKohai 🖤)

Please please please comment one of these

-ur favorite part
-least favorite part
-favorite character (it can be from the cast I don't mind)
-least favorite character
-what I'm doing right
-what I'm doing wrong
-or some other random shit

I really want FOUR COMMENTS from Four DIFFERENT people. Only four. I'm not asking much.

I KNOW WHAT UR THINKING! Why should I? What's in it for me? Go fuck yourself author.

No I'm not pulling the card where I'm threatening not to update because I try not to be a total dick.

Well here it is. I will upload a picture of myself (face reveal) AND do an alternate ending!

I'm begging you!! I want as many as ur willing to give, but I only need FOUR. I beg you my loves.

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