Part 4

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Ge, I've finally got to see her again. She hadn't change much. She's still as beautiful as ever. However, I could see that something broke her. Something in her eyes isn't the same. Though, she smiles and jokes around with her friends. I saw the sorrow she concealed behind those smiles.

I've made my decision. I'll stay beside her. I don't know how yet but I know that I'll figure something out. Like how I will figure out how to make her fall for me too.

Shi closed the notebook he'd been writing on. It's a hobby that his mother thought him. A notebook that holds everything – his thoughts and desires are all in it. Writing in it comforts him. Unlike his brother, he doesn't have people to call friends. They're more like acquaintances. So, whenever he felt like talking about his inner thoughts, he writes.

A knock interrupted his thought, looking behind him he saw the fire princess.

"I asked Huang Tuo to check on you. He'll be coming in here after I'm done talking to you. After he cures you, we'll talk again."

She said, leaving him behind again.

(*_*) (*_*) (*_*)

"P-prince S-shi?"

"SHH!" Shi covered Huang Tuo's mouth quickly. "I'll let you go but promised me that you won't call me that again. Act as if you don't me and this is the first time you're meeting me okay?"

The chief nodded. Slowly, Shi let him go.

"So, why all the secrecy?" Huang Tuo whispered.

"Just because." The prince said, avoiding the healer's questioning gaze.

"Fine. It's okay if you don't tell me. But how come you're with Yan Da?"

"She's the one who found me." Shi simply replied. Huang Tuo's brow rose. The young prince isn't telling him something.

"I see." He said, letting go of the prince's wrist. "You're fine. I'll go and tell Yan Da that."

"W-wait..." Shi said, holding the other's arms, stopping him from leaving. "C-can I ask you one favor?"

The healer sighed, sitting down. "I'm listening."

(^_^) (^_^) (^_^)

"How is he?"

Huang Tuo shook his head. "Not good. Where did you find him again?"

"Nice try, Huang Tuo but I didn't tell you that." Said Yan Da, giving him a knowing smile.

"Tsk. I'm just getting some information that will help me on my diagnosis. He's fine for now but I noticed that his core is unstable. He might faint from time to time. You told me that he was travelling alone?"

"Yes, he was alone when I found him."

"Poor guy. He must have suffered much before you found him."

"What do you mean?" Yan Da asked, frowning.

"He' travelling alone and with that condition. Many would take advantage of him."

"T-take advantage?"

Huang Tuo nodded. "You have eyes Yan Da. I'm sure that he's beauty didn't escape you. With that appearance..."

Yan Da quickly stood up. "Enough. I don't want to hear anymore." She said, marching down towards Shi's room.

Luna looked at her husband curiously seeing the devious smile that curved his lips.

"I'll explain to you later." He mouthed, trying not to laugh out loud. Ka Suo would be delighted to hear this. Shi is finally growing up. But of all the people it has to be Yan Da. Prince Shi you're in for a wild ride.

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