Part 9

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"Aaaah!" Phoenix roared angrily, killing some of his "incompetent" servants. He didn't expect Flames' love for his daughter to be that strong. The fire king even sacrificed a piece of his soul to make sure that he wouldn't be able to pass the gates.

"Show her to me!" he ordered at the magical mirror in his room. There he feed his obsession with the fire princess. He watched her every time that he could. Well except for the times when she takes her bath or changes her clothes. He respects her enough to not go that far.

He smiled when he saw her. Yan Da was currently playing games with the children in the Dream Tribe. Jealousy engulfed his being, though when he saw a man approached her and she happily talk to him.

He knew her well enough to know that this is unusual for her. His grip on the wine glass tightened, making little cracks on it.

(^_^) (^_^) (^_^)

"Yun Fei, could you help me with this?" Yan Da asked, lighting another lantern. Shi smiled, holding the lantern. Wishes were written on it. This is new to him. He never knew that people in the mortal realm do this. It's interesting.

"Does it work though?" he whispered looking at the lantern. Do the wishes come true?

Yan Da chuckled. "I think the most important thing about it is their sincerity. Their genuine thoughts. Even if it doesn't come true, don't you think it's good to see that someone cares about you that much to make a wish for you?"

Shi's eyes soften. "May we light some then?"

"Sure, after we helped the children finished theirs." She answered, getting another lantern and giving it to a child. Shi felt his heart warm up at what he's seeing. He could see her genuine love for the children in front of them making him wonder what she'll be like as a mother. He smiled at the thought. His feelings for her are growing deeper. Even if she'll reject him, he wouldn't regret loving her.

An hour later...

"Here," Yan Da said, giving him a lantern. Shi gladly accepted it. "What are you going to wish for?"

"It's. a. secret."

The fire princess pouted. "I won't let you see what's written on mine then."

Shi smiled at her antics. "It's only fair." He then proceeded writing. After a while Yan Da lit up the lanterns. At the same time, the two let go of their lanterns.

The duo smiled, enjoying the beautiful view and the peaceful atmosphere.

Meanwhile in the Sacred Snow Mountain...

The wine glass in Phoenix's hand was totally crushed. Blood dripped from his hand but he didn't care. His too angry and jealous to focus on that.

"Your excellency," a figure said coming out from the shadows.

"Tell me that you've succeeded."

The figure smirked. "Yes, the bear king Liao Jian has been successfully replaced by Hei Feng."

Phoenix let out an evil laughed. "Finally something's going my way. Yan Da, my love, I'll see you soon."

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