Chapter 4: A Friendship Builds

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               "Well you're gonna have to show me how that son of a bitch works" Misty said. "Why of course I understand that this way beyond your understanding, no offense." Marlton said smiling. "Don't make me hit you again nerd" Misty said. "Cmon we should go." Marlton said. Marlton and Misty then walk to the bus, Marlton then opens the bus doors and places his turbine at a destroyed robotic driver in the driver's seat. "Ew the fuck is that creepy thing?" Misty asked. "Oh you mean the c100 bus driver prototype?" Marlton said adjusting his glasses. "The god damn robot Yeah!" Misty said. "It was a international government mistake is what it was." Marlton said. Misty then grabbed Marlton and asked "Are you turning the fucking thing on? That shit looks fucked." Misty said. "My word do you have to use such colorful, vulgar vocabulary?" Marlton asked. Misty then punches Marlton in the arm. "Why?" Marlton yelped. "Answer me and quit being annoying."  Misty said. "Alright, we're gonna use this turbines electrical wind outlet to power this robot's battery and hope we have enough gasoline for the trip" Marlton said. "Well finally you explain it." Misty said rolling her eyes. "Well here it goes." Marlton says. Marlton then activates the turbine and powers the robot bringing it and the bus alive. "Welcome Aboard! Please secure all personal belongings and take your seats" the robot said. "Holy shit that is scary!" Misty said. "Wow phenomenal! To bad there wasn't very many of these models." Marlton said studying the robot. "We have enough gas?" Misty asked. "My word the artificial intelligence is just astounding the facial recognition is registering almost human like." Marlton said with his eyes on the robot. Misty then grabs Marlton ear and yells "DO WE HAVE ENOUGH FUCKING GAS OR NOT!!!!!" Misty yells. "AHHH!!! Yes!! I'm sorry Misty!" Marlton said whimpering. "Just .... Just.. let me set it to the downtown hehe...... oh..." Marlton says nervously. "Alright badass. Well I'm gonna lay back and take a nap, wake me if there's any flesh eaters." Misty says laughing. Marlton then sets the ordinance to downtown and the bus begins to honk and slowly drive there. "Alright good." Marlton says pulling out his pistol.

                   Ten minutes pass and the bus stops downtown, Misty had fell asleep at the back of the bus with her cap covering her eyes. "Uhh.... Umm... Misty we arrived, Misty!" Marlton said kindly. "Wha... What?" Misty said awakening. "We're here" Marlton said. "Oh... Sweet let's go get us some shit." Misty said getting up and stepping off the bus with her shotgun at hand. Marlton then pulls a notepad out of his shirt pocket and checks all the items he needs. "OH HELLFIRE!" Misty says out loud. "Oh no." Marlton says dropping his notepad and running out the bus following misty voice. "What's wrong, oh no!" Marlton says catching up behind misty. "Looks like we got us some flesh gobblers." Misty said with a smirk. 20 Zombies then start coming towards Misty and Marlton. Misty then begins to unload on the zombies shooting there heads and cheering. "WHAA WHOO Kick Some Ass!" Misty cheered. While misty was landing headshots, Marlton then begins to fire on some of the zombies coming towards him killing two. Misty then clears out most of the zombies leaving two more in her path. "Oh yeah this girl loves herself a fight!" Misty says. "Whatever, crazed woman." Marlton says. He then begins to reload with a zombie sneakily coming behind him. "GggGg RAAAH!!!" the zombies groans. Marlton then turns around frightened by the silent zombie and drops his gun. "Oh good God!" Marlton says panicking. The zombie then tackles Marlton and drops him to ground with the zombie biting at him with Marlton trying to push him away. Blood drips from the zombie's mouth onto Marlton's face covering his glasses. "MISTY HELP ME!" Marlton screams. Misty kills the remaining zombies turns around and sees Marlton struggling on the ground with a zombie chomping at his face. "Fuck" Misty says under her breath. Misty then kicks the zombie in the face as hard as she can knocking it off of Marlton. Marlton then crawls away in breathing heavily in shock dropping his glasses. The zombies then gets up and walks towards misty trying to grab Misty. Misty then grabs the zombies neck with her left hand and holds the zombie in place with it trying to kill her. "No one fucks with my friends!" Misty says while driving a knife into the zombies skull dropping it like dead weight. Marlton stares in shock of Misty words and capability to fight, he the gets up and faces Misty. "My God, that was amazing wow thank you!" Marlton says in amazement. Misty then looks to Marlton and feels very pleased by Marlton's words of appreciation, since she had never really felt appreciated before. "Oh??..... Uhhh..... Yeah man no problem... I got your ass covered." Misty said trying to act tough. Marlton felt like someone had really cared about him saving him and calling him her friend, he never really had very many friends especially a girl. "Was your statement true about us being friends?" Marlton asked confused. "Uhh yeah I mean you spared me yesterday after I tried to steal from you.... sooo.... yeah we're friends Marley."  Misty said playfully punching Marlton in the arm. "Well Misty it's good to have friends in a time of need." Marlton says. Misty then looks into Marlton's eyes looking into them for the first time. They both spend a few seconds staring at each other. Misty blushes a little and breaks eye contact looking down and seeing Marlton's glasses on the ground. "You ok Misty? It's the blood on my face isn't it ?" Marlon asked. "No uhh.... You dropped this, it uhh fits you well.". Misty says. "Oh thank god my glasses didn't break." Marlton then pulls a rag out of his shirt pocket and wipes the blood from his glasses. Misty then stares at Marlton while he cleans and feels like Marlton was a friend that she always needed. "Alright let's get some shit." Misty says as she walks around. Marlton then places his cleaned glasses back on and looks at misty entering one of the stores searching for supplies. "Hmm, she's a very supportive person, I could've used a colleague like her in my past. Can't believe I'm saying this but I'm glad I met this woman." Marlton says to himself.

                   Two hours have passed and they loaded up supplies, food and weapons all from the stores downtown. They both meet up after loading up the bus with goodies. "You think we're ready to head back?" Misty asks. "Yes this should be plenty of supplies to last off of for quite a duration." Marlton says smiling. Misty giggles, "Ha Your funny Marley." Misty says flicking Marlton's glasses. Marlton  blushed a little from Misty's compliment and knew that he had made a new and true friend. They both load onto the bus and make there way back to the diner. Shortly after they arrive and unload the bus with the supplies into the body shop. They both finish and decide to eat. "Okay I'll fix something up for us to eat" Marlton says. "Sure." misty says. More time passes, after there food is cooked they eat and socialize. "So you lived on a farm?" Marlton asked misty. "Yeah I miss it a lot." Misty said while scarfing her food down like a hungry animal. "Uhh did you grow crops?" Marlton asked disgusted with how quick Misty was eating. "Y..yeah... wheat.....corn...........shit....shit was great." Misty said with food in her mouth. Marlton then became squeamish from seeing Misty microwave spaghetti get all over her face. "Uhh... anything else special about your farm?" Marlton asked with a digested look on his face. "No... not...not really...other than cows and a moonshine cabin." Misty said shoving food in her mouth. Marlton then looked down at his food and lost his appetite. "I think I'll just save this for later, put it in the mini fridge in the back here, kinda... lost my appetite." Marlton said laughing nervously. "Whatever you say man." Misty said letting out a big belch. "Ahhh.... Damn that was loud" Misty said laughing. Marlton then turned around and left the room putting his food in the fridge. "God she ate like a ferocious starving animal." Marlton said to himself shivering in disgust. "Ahh nice, got a lot shit done today." Misty said getting up putting her microwave tray into the trash while picking her teeth. "Done?" Marlton asked. "Yep" Misty said then burped again as she walked towards the mini fridge.  "Um good..." Marlton said waving away Misty's burp and coughing. Misty then opens a soda and asks "Why you coughing?" to Marlton. "Your belch it was.... was... foul." Marlton says while waving the smell of the burp away. "HA! That's what happens when you grow up with country boys Marley." Misty said laughing. "Well you could be more proper?" Marlton said. "I could but I don't give a damn so I ain't." Misty said with a smirk. "Ok well I'm going back to work we have a lot of food so we don't need to go back out for a while." Marlton said. "Sure I'll talk to ya tomorrow morning." Misty said as she walked out finishing her soda and throwing the empty can on the ground. "Remember Marley..." Misty said looking back at Marlton. "We're a team." she said as she winked at him shut the side door and left. "Yeah, I guess so..." Marlon said picking up her empty can.

Farm girl and Shy nerd (Misty x Marlton)Where stories live. Discover now