maximum security.

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Emily's pov.

My eyes start to close as I fight to stay awake I slowly drift off in my brothers arms and after all it's two In the morning and I have to be at work by 7:30-8:30 I should probably get some sleep incase we have a case. I finaly drift off into a peacful sleep when the TV booms out loud making me jolt up and the same to james we plonk back onto the sofa when we realised that it was only the TV. James turned the volume and carried me up to bed and he jumped in the otherside of my superking size bed because he probably couldn't be bothered to walk across the hall way. I wake up to something warm and gooey dripping down my forehead drip, drip, drip, spash right on the corner of my right eye I can feel it sliding down the side of my face so I get up and walk to the bathroom and put my head over the sink, I turn the tap on and fill up my cupped hands then splash it over my face, I then open my eyes to reveal bloody water, I slowly look up into the mirror to see my forehead soaked in blood I let out a high pitched scream and run into the bedroom where James is starting to wake up. "what's wrong are you ok" he said rubbing his eyes but not opening them. I look up at the blood stained wall that read your next and a big red smily face on the wall which made me scream even louder I knew he was tourmenting me and I hated it. James slowly opened his eyes to see what was going on and looked at the looked at my wall before doing a low manley scream and then looking and the writing and jumping off the bed and swearing in shock.


I walk throught the elevator into the BAU next to James he gives me a reassuring smile but it doesn't work I don't feel safe anywhere with anyone. "it'll be ok they'll catch the son of a bitch, I should go stay with mum to protect her" I look at him in the eyes and smile. "say I said hi to mum and don't go getting yourself killed, I've just got you back I don't want to lose you again." James smiles back. "it's alway been just us and it's going to stay that way, okay?" I smile "ok" but it soon fades as we have ine more hug then the elevator doors close leving me alone again. I sigh heavily and walk throught the glass doors I head for my desk, not bothering to tell the team what happened to me, James and my poor house. "heyy" morgan smiled. I tried to smile back but it didn't really work. "oh hey" I sit down and lean back yawning loudly. "you ok emily, you seem a little off today." I swivel around on my spinny chair to face JJ. "fine thanks." but everything was far from fine.

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