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JJ's pov.

I jump up from my seat and run towards the fire alarm and hit it as hard as I can then I get up on my desk and wait for everyone. "Everyone this is an emergency" everyone stops, reid and morgan look up from their desks giving me crazy looks while garcia, hotch and rossi are leaning on the frame of there office doors looking confused. I look down at the officers. "I want you to call emily prentiss' officers and see where they are-while me, hotch, morgan,reid and rossi will head out and I want people with us and to stay back with garcia, lets move it people" I say clapping my hands together. I wait for the rest of the team and the extra officers to walk into the elevator so we can get going. My hands are playing with my necklace and I'm tapping my foot nervously. It's silent until hotch decides to speak up. "whats going on JJ" I sigh and begin. "I was on the phone with emily and we were talking about coffee, and a said how annoying the officers were and she agreed. no affence" I turn towards the officers. "non taken" one replies so I carry on. "and she said how creepy it was being watched buy two officers in a black suv halfway down the street." I take breath "but I thought they were in land rovers, blues ones not black" rossi buts in. "exactly" I reply then carry on. "then she realised it was peter, then she shouted..." I pause not wanting to remember what she said. "what" asked morgan concerned.  "all it took was one word" I reply. "JJ" hotch says in a soothing tone. "bomb" I say then everything goes silent as the eyes open wide and there mouths drop. When we arrive at the scene we are too late there are police officers and firemen putting out the little flames here and there and ambulances taking away people I look for emily but she's nowhere to be seen I walk up to a paramedic and ask. "hi I'm JJ I'm with the FBI have you seen someone named Emily prentiss." he winces and scratches his head. "umm could you be more pacific" he stops what he's doing and looks up at me.  "umm she has really really dark brown hair and was wearing black heels and black trousers and a cream sort sleeved top." he then looks sad. "Oh yeah her, well she um how do I say this." then my heart stops and I wait for him to carry on. "She was right next to the bomb when it went off and wasn't breathing when they took her away in the ambulance and she had blood all over her and it really didn't look, good but I'm sure she'll make it they always do." he gives me a reassuring smile then helps to take someone away on a stretcher. I stand there frozen until I'm snapped out of my trance the team tapping me and saying name. "JJ" hotch repeats while reid  constantly taps me on the shoulder. "Where's Emily" Morgan says a little louder this time. "what did the paramedic say" Rossi shouts which snaps me out of my trance completely. "they said when they took her away in the ambulance she wasn't breathing and she had blood all over her and that it looked really bad." they all looked worried and terrified. "lets go to the hospital and wait for her there instead of out here." hotch says pushing me towards the car while everyone gets in, I take one last look then im whisked away to the hospital. We walk through the double doors and they take there seats while I go to the reception. "Hi I'm JJ and I'm with the FBI" I say flashing my badge. "im here for Emily prentiss" she looks through some files on her desk and then hands it to me. "She's in room 24E" I thank her and then towards the team. "Come on room 24E" it took us longer than we expected to find the room but when we eventually did the sight wasn't pretty, Emily's lifless body lay on the hospital bed with dozens of wires and machines hooked up to her. All the colour had draind from her face and she was as pale and the covers that were over her. she had a tube shoved down her throat to help her breath better or only made her look more dead she also had lots of deep cuts over her arms and her face. Garcia breaks the silence by walking way crying whispering "I can't take it" as she whimpered away morgan followed her looking away in discust rossi followed looking plain sad but hotch he was full of rage and anger but stayed there staring at her. The nurse popped in to inform us "if she makes and improvement she'll be out of the coma In less than a week" I turn towards her and smile at the good news. "thanks" I say as she nods her head and walks away. I look up at hotch again to see he is still boiling with rage but I can see a bit of happiness and relief taking over him. "I'll go and tell the team" I say taking one more look at emily and walking away. Once hotch leaves Emily I look down at the clipboard in my hands and scan through it. "ok Emily has minor cuts and bruises. oh" they look up at me silently telling me to carry on.  "umm she has 4 shattered ribs, 2 broken , 1 fractured and a collapsed lung." I lean back shocked. "its a bloody miricle she's alive" rossi states. "she must be in an unbelievable amount of pain" hotch says sighing. By the end of the day Morgan had taken Garcia home and stayed with her to protect her, hotch left to be with Jack, I left to go and see will while Rossi went to check on strauss. Leaving Emily all alone, only with easter and her mum who had travelled down from London that day.

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