Chapter Nine: Revolt

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Shianne greeted her father and Picasso with a warm smile. She was glad they were still alive. She was glad she wasn't facing this alone. One of the steeds was sent out a spy and returned that afternoon with the sickening news. 

Shianne, Picasso, Apollo, Rogue, and Vixen were all a private council deciding what to do with the rest of the herd. 

"SkyHerd has surrendered and joined Jaguar, who are calling themselves NightHerd." The spy explained, his eyes wide like moons. "Jaguar was talking about how he was going to attack ShadowHerd next then DustHerd." 

Shianne looked up at her mother, whose eyes were filled grief. Rogue turned around and excused herself from the meeting. The palomino trotted away and Shianne wanted to follow but also hear more. 

"What about Kyper and Knight?" Shianne wondered about the two young stallions who'd been captured. 

"I haven't seen them myself, but-" The soldier then paused and gave Picasso a disturbed glance. "He's being tortured for answers, Shianne." The stallion gulped and looked down at his hooves. "He's beyond our reach." 

Shianne let out a mournful cry that echoed around and caught everyone's attention. Tears flooded her eyes and she pleaded for help. 

Apollo then chimed in, "why would StarHerd do this to us?" He asked, his eyes also filled with a heartsick sparkle. 

"Because they don't want StreamHerd anymore." Picasso nickered and all the council's eyes fell on him, confused. He saw the troubled gazes and explained. "Isn't obvious? If StarHerd wanted StreamHerd to exist, they would've have done this to us." 

"That's ridiculous." Vixen scowled. "I will not surrender to Jaguar. He has not won yet. We still have a chance to revolt." Her words hit Shianne with power and she stopped crying to listen. 

"No Vixen. We shall live our lives here. There is nothing else we can do." Picasso turned around, ignoring Vixen's protests. He called a herd meeting and the horses gathered around him. 

"I bring some bad news." The pinto stallion started out, his ears drooped. "Jaguar has taken over SkyHerd and he's also going to strike at ShadowHerd. They are calling themselves NightHerd." Picasso breathed out long. "The rest of our soldiers have either joined NightHerd or have been murdered. StarHerd wants no more StreamHerd." Whinnies of despair echoed around. 

Picasso silenced them with a swish of his tail. "So, StreamHerd no longer exists." 

Shianne's mouth dropped. The leader she idolized all her life just surrendered. Yowls of rage broke out and Picasso stood in the middle of it with his head down, ignoring all the hate. Horses angrily stomped back to what they were doing and continued with their lives. 

Shianne couldn't believe what was happening. Everything was occurring too fast, she couldn't believe it had only been a day ago when Merrick was showing her the gorge. 

She turned around, her vision turning blurry. Her head ached awfully and she became drowsy. She noticed her mother and her father talking privately and she suddenly blacked out. 


Shianne awoke in a misty forest. The sky was painted with bright stars and she saw a chocolate palomino standing in front of her. The chocolate palomino's eyes sparkled with greeting and Shianne slightly bowed her head. 

"Hello, Shianne. I'm Aladdin, your great grandmare." The mare introduced and Shianne knew this was Prince's mother. She nodded in understanding. "Gloria has wished to speak with you." Aladdin then led Shianne down a narrow path and into a large cave. 

Vines hung from the cave entrance and brushed Shianne's pelt when she entered. A gray mare, like Shianne, stood in front of her. Shianne couldn't believe this was her great grandmare. Gloria, a legend like Taka. 

Shianne bowed respectfully and had already realized she was in StarHerd. "Greetings Shianne." Gloria also bowed her head. "I have some news for you." 

"First of all, Jaguar's herd is rising to power and can only be stopped if someone acts now." An image appeared next to her hooves of Jaguar's herd invading ShadowHerd. They slaughtered the soldiers and only took the ones who surrender.

The image then disappeared and Shianne felt broken inside. "DustHerd is all you have left." Gloria's eyes burned through Shianne intensely. 

"You have to be brave to fight this battle, you will fight the darkness night." Gloria paused, leaving Shianne's heart pounding heavily. "And like the sun, you will rise above everybody." Darkness was all Shianne could see next and images flickered around in her mind. 

She was then standing in a darker forest and a buckskin stood in front of her. His fierce amber eyes glowed bright and a large scar was plastered over his eye. He walked intimidatingly up to Shianne and hissed six words that made the dull mare shiver. "Wear your crown like a king." 

Shianne woke up in her nest with pieces strewn everywhere. Her breathing was ragged and she took a few moments to herself. Shianne then stood up, the dark night hanging over her head like the moss in ShadowHerd. 

She noticed a palomino coat shining in the moonlight and walked up to it. Her mother was looking down at the ground, a solemn expression on her face. "Bad dreams?" Her mother asked and Shianne lied. 

Rogue then whipped around to face Shianne. "Shianne, you're going to disobey the leader." Her words shocked Shianne. "Vixen and I have agreed that you're going to take some of the warriors and leave to DustHerd. You will win them over and you fight." A chill rippled through Shianne and she let out a whimper. 

"What about you?" 

"I've already fought my fight. It's your turn." Rogue affectionately touched Shianne's shoulder with her muzzle. 

Shianne's chest puffed up with pride. Everyone was counting on her. "Alright, I'll lead the revolt." 

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