Wooden tables

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Our small, six-person gang made the rounds of the institute, showing the twins the various rooms, and hiding spaces, around the building. The bell had chimed for dinner, and we had grudgingly shuffled towards the southern side of  the institution, where the dining hall is situated. Within in the dining hall tables lie strewn about at odd angles, with a mismatched set of chairs set around them. We claim a table for ourselves, a beautiful wooden table. It's only barely noticeable that it's secondhand. Everyone lines up to grab a plate, and I stand at the back of our group, eyeing any potential line cutters. Thomas and Ivan are too skinny to not be fed dinner.

All six of us now have dinner, and we eat hurriedly, and joke and talk with ours mouths full. The Dining halls doors are suddenly flung open, and everyone falls silent. The Mother walks in, followed by a pack of Sisters. The Mother scans the room, searching for someone. She spots Ivan, and stomps over to him. Ivan stares up at her, attempting to shrink into himself. She grabs him by the back of his shirt, and lifts him easily from his chair. Lachlan stands up immediately, angrily yanking at The Mother's arm, to get her to drop Ivan. She does indeed release Ivan, but grabs Lachlan now, and marches him across the room, and out the door. Ivan falls to the floor, and crouches in a ball, covering his ears.

"Brother.....", Evangeline sits down next to him, and Martha soothes Thomas, who is fretting for the twins. I run after Lachlan, dodging the disapproving hands of the Sisters. I shove my way out the Dining halls doors, and follow The Mother receding footsteps down the hall way, towards the basement. I sprint around corners, screaming Lachlan's name, and worryingly getting no reply. As I round the last corner, I see The Mother forcefully shoving a bashed up Lachlan down the basement stairs.

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