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I must say I'm incredibly sorry for not updating, I've been procrastinating and never got to finish this till now. This was EXTRA long! 2280+ words! The ending of this chapter is very sad and deep (to me) so if you are sensitive please grab a tissue box. Thank you for 100+ reads, I'm incredibly grateful.

Warning: Violence, Negative thoughts, Negative words, HEAVY feelings, DEEP thoughts

-Nobody's POV-

"Okay! Lance, Keith, your up!" Shiro was waving his hand signal to go to the middle of the training area. Lance and Keith got ready, their stances eager to fight. Shiro looked at Lance, watching him fiddle with his sword in his hands nervously.

     "Go!" Keith swung at Lance, making Lance having to roll off to the side, Lance steadily got his balance back as he watched Keith swipe his sword madly at Lance, backing him into a corner. Lance tried thinking of something quick, something from getting his head sliced off by Keith. Lance blocked a slice after Keith hit Lance on his waist, the two forces for dominance. Shiro took note of this. Struggling, Lance waits for Keith to put all his strength into shoving the sword away.


     Lance swung his leg at Keith's foot, tripping him and dropping his sword. Before Lance could get his win, Keith tackles Lance to the floor, straddling him, but locking Lance's knees to the floor so Lance couldn't kick or knee Keith. Lance holds Keith's fist in his hands as he struggles under the red paladin. Keith leans closer, both boys arms shaking for control.

     "Mmph, K-Keith!" Lance tries saying, Keith gets slightly flustered by the boy's noises.

     Lance huffs, exhaling a breath and moves his hands quickly to push Keith off, Lance shot up quickly, trying to make a win. Lance felt a surge of exhaustion take over as he fell to his hands and knees. He was drenched in sweat, his arms shaking furiously.

     "Lance!" Keith got up and ran to him, making sure the sensitive boy was okay.

     "I'm okay, I'm okay. Just tired..." Lance said trailing off. Shiro comes up to Lance and Keith and takes Lance.

      "I got him, Keith, go rest up, you did well today." Shiro smiles, Lance looks at Keith uneasily, as if he doesn't want Shiro to touch him.

     "Um. Okay..? You sure you don't want me to take Lance?" Keith wipes the sweat off of his forehead. Shiro holds Lance close as support as his robotic hand holds his waist and his regular hand holds his wrist. Kieth takes note of this and frowns at Lance who feels the same.

     "No, I don't want y'all to randomly start a fight in the middle of the hallway with Lance like this." Shiro shook his head, holding Lance tighter and turning away. Keith went to the changing room while Hunk had already started. Keith kicks his helmet out of anger.

     "Argh!" Hunk glances over at Keith and cautiously chooses his words.

     "What's wrong, Keith?" Hunk asks, not sure of the outcome. Keith looks over at Hunk, still boiling up inside.

     "Shiro is HOGGING Lance!" Keith stomps his foot. Hunk thinks for a moment to see if this is true.

     "Well, I've known Lance for a while, and he doesn't see Shiro that way for sure, but yeah, I get what you mean, he's been touchy with Lance. One time I noticed Shiro rubbing Lance's arm and Lance didn't look good." Keith growls at Hunk's words, taking a few notes.

     "This is getting ridiculous, I need an answer." Hunk stops Keith before he does anything.

      "No Keith! That might make things worse, why do you care so much anyway? I only know because I pay attention to things and Lance comes to me for this." Hunk reassures. Keith glares at Hunk for a moment.

"I'm Fine"  //Langst & Klance\\Where stories live. Discover now