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"Li Luo, it's been a long time." said the figure, studying the current ice queen.

"Indeed, Alpha."

"Why are you here?"

Li Luo smirked. Straight to business as always.

"My young brother- in-law is missing. He only came of age a day ago."

"Why should this interest me? You know that I don't want to involve myself with your business."

"I know alpha and I'm sorry to disturb you but please. You're the only one who has eyes everywhere."

"You think that he crossed the borders?"

"Possibly and if that's the case Ka Suo wouldn't be able to do anything nor the other tribes."

The Alpha Prime smirked. "You're lucky that I favor you Li Luo. I already told the others to look. Go and see your king. In your condition, you must watch over yourself and not worrying over things."

Li Luo smiled, bowing. A hand on her belly. She's three months pregnant. "Thank you, Your Majesty. I'll heed your advice."

(^_^) (^_ ^) (^_^)

Shi gasped in pain. He fell from the cliff above. Luckily for him, the trees soften the blow of his fall. So, he's not dead yet. Some of his bones are broken and one pierced his lung. If no one finds him soon, he'll surely die.

(^_^) (^_^) (^_^)

"Huang Tuo! In here!" Luna called out, quickly going beside the unconscious children. Hearing her call, the other were immediately by her side.

Chao Ya gasped when she saw the children. They were badly injured. It even looked like they weren't breathing at all.

Huang Tuo hurriedly healed the children. "Hurry help me put them in the carriage!"

"W-wait." One child said.

"What is it?" Huang Tuo asked.

"G-go to the cliff." The child continued. "T-they pushed him in there..."

"The cliff?" Huang Tuo repeated. Could it be...?

"Luna, Liao Jian! Get the others and look below the cliff!"

The others looked at each other. Dread filling their hearts.

Hours later in the Ice Palace...

Ka Suo couldn't stand it. It had been hours since they found Shi. Huang Tuo had been with him since then and the healer hadn't come out yet.

The other omega children were still unconscious too. Ka Suo's heart ache for them. They're very young. Two were barely ten years old yet. But seeing their bodies, it's clear that they've been through a lot.

The three were a bit older than Shi but that didn't mean that it made it better. Everyone could see the hand prints on their body and the marks on their bodies signifying that they've been abused through the years.

Questions are for how long? When did it start? The king closed his eyes. His heart filled with sorrow.

He opened his eyes though when he heard a squeak. Looking around, he was met by a child's terrified eyes. The omega male like his brother.

"It's okay," Ka Suo said gently. "I won't hurt you. You're in the Ice Kingdom. You're safe here."

"I-ice kingdom?"


The boy kept quiet, thinking. He heard about the immortals from his mother. She said that it was different in the king was kind and noble.

"A-are you King Ka Suo?"

Ka Suo smiled. "That I am." The omegas eyes widen. Quickly bowing. "I'm sorry, I've been disrespectful."

The king shook his head. "It's okay. Lift your head."

The boy hesitantly obeyed the order.

"What is your name?"

"Mother called me Ya Lun."

"That's a beautiful name. Ya Lun come. Is it okay if I ask you some questions?"

The boy obeyed, sitting in front the king.

"Can you tell me what happened last night?"

"Last night..." Ya Lun began, feeling his body shaking a bit. That didn't escape Ka Suo. The king then laid a comforting hand on the boy's shoulder.

"It's okay. As I said, you are safe here."

The boy nodded, unshed tears in his eyes. "It was a scary night. Raka, our watcher and one of the traders, told us that we're going to be sold today. As usual, like he did to the past omegas that were about to be sold, he gave us the routine check-up. Knowing that he'd do that I took my chance to ran away. I was too weak from hunger and the beatings that I've got before yesterday so I hadn't gone far much. He caught up to me and beat me up. Only stopping when the leader of traders told him too."

Ka Suo could feel his blood boil in anger. Those traders!

Knowing that the anger isn't directed at him, the boy continued. "I honestly thought that it would be our last night. Mia, Mika, Yan Zhu and Yan Jie, I thought I would never see them again. However, a boy came out of nowhere. He helped us ran away. Even when we tripped a lot, he didn't leave us. Not long, the traders caught up. He protected us, telling us to cross the border. We didn't want to leave him but there was something in his voice that made us obey. D-did you find him?"

Ka Suo could feel a lot of emotions clambering his heart. He felt proud of his brother's actions and bravery. Angry because he couldn't do anything about the traders and because he didn't protect his brother. Worried for his brother's condition right now. Huang Tuo said that he was barely alive when they found him.

"King Ka Suo?"

Ka Suo blinked, facing at the young omega again. "The boy who saved you is my brother Ying Kong Shi. He's inside that room right now with the chief of healers."

Ya Lun froze at what he heard. The prince of Ice tribe was hurt because of them.

Ka Suo scenting the dread and fear in the air, mentally gave himself a slap. Ya Lun must have thought that he'll punish them because Shi got hurt because of them.

"Hush," he said, pulling the omega towards him. "None of these are your fault. Calm down."

The door of Shi's room then opened...

Ka Suo quickly stood up, careful of Ya Lun, though.

"Huang Tuo, how is he?"

"He's stable but I need to check on him very now and then."

"Can we see him?"

"Of course, Your Majesty."

(^_^) (^_^) (^_^)

Ya Lun stared at the young prince in front of him in wonder. "He's so beautiful."

Ka Suo smiled at that. "Is Shi's beauty really that rare?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. No one can compare to him..." the boy answered, eyes still fixed on Shi. "I never thought that mother's stories were true."


"Mother told me often about the immortal realm and The Primes."

"The primes?" Ka Suo repeated. He never heard about them before.

"Mother said. It's a very old story so most have forgotten it. But legend says that one omega prime will be born after thousands of years. He's beauty will be unlike any other. Not to mention the strength and power that he possessed. If omegas have a king, then it will be him. No wonder, we couldn't disobey his orders that time."

Ka Suo felt his heart stop from that revelation. His brother is in a lot of danger than he thought he was.

Bamboo Leaf and a Flute II RequestedWhere stories live. Discover now