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Ella: wanna see somthing

Logan: plz god may it be her naked pic

Stella: u r such a perv

Logan: thanks for the compliment bae
            So r u granting my wish

Stella: NO
           Look at this
            I changed my hair colour

Stella: NO            Look at this            I changed my hair colour

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Logan: no way in hell did u do this

Ella:just wanted a change
        So do i look okay

Logan: smoking hot😜
             I just wished u werent so mad after my bff

Ella: did u just say bff HAHAHAHA

Logan: so what girl

Ella: Thats so girlish HAHAHAHAHAH

Logan: whatever
             So why a sudden change

Ella: he hated my blonde hair

Logan: who he😛😛

Ella: Your Bff 😂😂

Logan: r u out of your mind ....that guy loves blonde hair

Ella: yeah!but he hated mine

Logan: dont do this to yourself Stella

Ella: i am happy logan

Logan: not like this
            I guess i have to knock sone sense in that bastard

Ella: u can call him by his name for once

Logan: he doesnt deserves it

Ella: IK

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