Peace and Meditation

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After the enocounter everyone wanted to become stronger so they went to train , i  went to Lord Thirds grave  and sat there a while thinking about what happened  , suddenly sasuke appeared in my thoughts , i blushed madly and shook my head " stop it Kirima. .." i say to myself , i noticed a presence beside me , i didnt need to look knowing who it was " whats up ?"i asked , the person sat beside me " i knew youd be here " i smiled softly and looked at the person "  you know me too well " i noticed another presence and i sighed " why is he here?" I looked over at Sai , sakura smiled " he is coming with us to kakashi-sensei " i sighed " okay lets catch up with naruto then "  i stood as did sakura and went to get naruto , he seemed upset that sai was also with us , he kept saying librarys were boring , i giggled" naruto you dont even look at books " he pouted with a blush and sakura spoke "naruto you should train mentally too" i noticed Sai in deep thought and i decided to stay quiet as Sai asked them to join the conversation  , i raised my brow , he explained how he read books , i smiled " im glad your learning to be more sociable "  naruto amiled " so thats why you were nervous " sakura smiled "those books from earlier ...." he noded and explained how he was trying to come up with nicknames , i felt abit uneasy ' what will he choose as mine?'  Naruto explained how nicknames just kinda happen , and that they normally based on characteristics or traits . Sakura made an example out of naruto , i smiled softly and noticed sai thinking , i got uneasy again . Sai stared at Sakura for a bit then he got the idea and spoke " i get it now ,Ugly "  i cringed as sakura was about to unleash at him . I helped naruto hold her back . Sakura ended up hitting both of them, i was smart enough to dodge her hit.

We got to the hospital as kakahi spoke to Sai  who was rubbing his red cheek . I sat in the windowsill eatching the scene unfold,  kakashi looks at me " welcome back Kirima " i smiled " glad to be back kakashi-sensei" he smiled under the mask "  i belive the training with Valen helped " i giggled " yes more than i could have hoped " Kakashi then asked sakura if we got along and she said we did . I glanced out the window as i zooned out the rest of the conversations , however i did flinch hearing sasukes name , i looked down remembering the episodes i knew what was next and i zoned out more , untill the door opened showing Asuna and his team , i waved as shika entered and he seemed uneasy at the sight of Sai.  We sat around kakashi as we caught up , more like they did i was still not involved yet, i was near the two girls , ino whispered to sakura "his kinda cute isnt he ? He reminds me of sasuke-kun" sakura whispered back " physically yeah but his nothing like him " i then butted in also whispering " he doesnt even look like him , his too pale and scrawny and above all , a crop top ? Honestly? " the girls looked at me in suprise  , i blinked " what ?"  They giggled and smiled moving their eyebrows  " your now a official women Kirima-chan "i blushed and covered my chest , they announced a barbecue which we all agreed , we went to the barbecue and i focused on the meat  and i sat beside naruto  watching Ino crush on sai , i leaned on my arm ' how sweet least she will forget about sasuke '  i noticed sai trying to make nicknames and was about to call choji fat but naruto shut sai up and he called ino beautiful which upset sakura yet i knew was a lie , he wanted to call her ugly aswell . I watched as sakura beat them up , i sighed and scooted next to choji and i joined in the feast .

Kakashi-sensei was discharged from thw hospital and took naruto to train , decided to stay nearby and decided to just meditate and focus on my chakra control and strengthen it how ever i could. My chakra moulding still need some work . After five days of full meditating i felt my body float a little in a peaceful aura , i knew i was mastering this ability and continued. After a while i felt a presence " whats up kakashi-sensei?  Naruto?" I stopped floating and looked behing me at them , naruto was in awe , kakashi explained that we they needed for a mission and that Valen wished to see me , i noded and stood " im ready" we grouped up with team ten and got to the gates , i waved at the others " stay alive guys.." i then did a hand sign making a mirror slab and then went through it . I knew more training was in store for me as i was going to unlock my hidden jutsu. 

Word count :836

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