Im a what ? The truth behind my past

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I appeared in the dimension i trained in for 3 years , i search around for Valen and luckily i saw that perv sitting in the hotsprings all relaxed , she smirked and waved to me " Kirima-chan! ! Join me!!"  I raises my Eyebrow  " no thanks im good.." she wined " come on please!!ill tell you a story about yourself that you dont even know ~" this gained my curiosity,  i walked to her and undressed keeping my back to her , as i entered i turned covering my chest with my hands . She moved closer " aww dont be like that Kirima-chan~" i pouted " tell me the story " she sighed " okay~" i sat waiting waiting patently and she began " The truth is ...Your a reincarnation Kirima. .." i blinked and moved my hands on the ledge i was sitting " a what ?" Valen smiled " you are a reincarnation. ...a very important one ...and that is why your wanted by the Akatski. .." i noded moving closer , now interested as she continued  " You are the Reincarnation of ...Kaguya Otsutsuki " it took a moment to sink in before i stood " wait WHAT!!"  She smiled " unbelievable right ?" I nodded and crossed my arms " but i dont understand. .im not from this world , how can i be a reincarnation? " Valen sat back " remember what the third Hokage told you ...about your past and loosing your memories? "I nodded and she continued " well in truth it really did happen  , you are from this world and when your memories were wiped you were transported to that other world and was taken in by humans . You are from this world and your parents died using their last chakra to send you to the other world protect you..." i looked down , my mind was going crazy , i was truley a shinobi and the world i lived in before this was just a witness protection program ...

I then felt a cold breeze and looked down and noticed i was standing , openly nude in the clear , i blushed heavily and sat back as fast as i could , valen laughed " it was quite a sight Kirima-chan ~" i hugged my knees with a heavy blush and growled out " Perv"  she giggled and stood with pride , " shall we start with your training. .." i looked at her " whats next on the list ?" She smirked " learning to open the chain to Kaguya's power "  i wide eyed and stood grabbing a towel " alright ..." she made a serious expression " once you master it you can only use it once every third month " i blinked " huh why ?" She climbed out grabbing a towel " when you use the technique , it attacks your body on a massive level , you will be in a terrible condition,  as in near death " i sighed " but its important that i know it right ?" She noded " yes it is more important than your life " i nodded and got dressed ' now things are going to be more challenging '  

Valen sat down crossed legs " come " i sat across her and she extends her hands " ill guide you to your subconscious. .then its all up to you ..." i nod " alright " i put my hands on hers and close my eyes . Suddenly, I  was in a dark room , i looked around and somehow i heard Valen speak " Where are you ?" I spoke aloud " a black room " i felt her shift " search for any chakra " i nodded and i searched , my eyes caught a pure white figure , i gasp . Valen spoke " what is it?" I took a moment " white....white Chakra. .." Valen smiled " thats Kaguya's!  " i walked to the white figure and tried to touch it but suddenly i woke up and was pushed by a unspeakable force and tumbled abit before sitting up coughing . Valen looked just as suprised as me , she stood " guess Kaguya doesnt really like you ..." i sat up and pouted irratated " what must i do ?" Valen took a moment " you gotta bond with her " i deadpanned " bond?" She smirked " it is going to take a while , so i suggest you train your chakra and abilities more first .. " i sighed and stood " okay ?" She smirked " how about a summoning jutsu?" I crossed my arms " i already have one " she put her hands on her hips " yes a land summon , not a air one " i smiled " alright  , teach me oh great Valen " she giggled " okay okay " she gave me the jutsu , i bit my finger and did it , suddenly a pure white Owl appeared , it was huge , bigger then Akamaru . The owl looked at me " you are?" I bowed " Kirima Yashima. ..i request to make a contract with you " the owl looked at Valen then at me " Very well , i will first look at your potential before i decide..." i nodded , the owl took flight and grabbed my ankel and flew up , i gasped and grabbed my skirt . The owl spinned me around and threw me towards a tree , i gasp and hit the tree hard , my head pounded , i look at the owl and it looked like he\she was expecting something from me , i looked down " right" i made a whip qith my chakra and it grabbed the tree , i flipped a few times and landed on the branch . Did i mention ? My chakra is a Gold colour but no one but Valen knows .  The owl landed by me " very well Kirima Yashima.  I am Saki  , i will be your summon " i cheered " thankyou!!" I then hugged the owl who felt awkward and looked at Valen whi giggled in return.  I looked at valen " thankyou " she smiled " anytime "  i made the mirror door and walked through it to find Konoha in a terrible state and zombies were everywhere , i deadpanned " what the hell?!"

Word count : 953

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