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"Kirima-chan! "

A faint voice cried out to me , it felt so distant and to far to save me form this endless torture,  i felt myself slip away slowly as all my will and desire to fight had been drained from me

3rd pov -----

Madara placed the unconscious Kirima onto the tree stump and made another jutsu that placed a forcefield around him and her. Naruto charged to madra only to be pushed back , his eyes showed determination as he continued his attempt .
Madara did a few handsigns and a blade appeared with markings  , he did a chant and stabbed Kirima in the middle of her chest , a dark cloud started pouring out of her and it disappeared within a second . Kirimas blood started to run over the tree and madara began to laugh as the trees roots expanded grabbing everyone it could to trap them into a perfect world .

Kirima pov---

I felt weak , i heard a desperate and final cry from Kaguya "Kirima!" It became distant and it suddenly vanished , i felt immense pain in my chest , it felt like i couldnt breath and everything around me was growing darker.

I heard a war cry from within my subconscious,  my Otaku self pulling my Shinobi self out of this death trap , she yelled "Dont you dare give up! You know exactly what happens now, Kaguya is fighting your team! You must save them , save the shinobi! " 

My eyes opened wide as i looked at the table i was strapped to in the jutsu , with my own war cry , i ripped myself off the table falling on my knees . With determination i raised my chakra and broke the genjutsu.

My eyes felt heavy and my body felt weak , i slowly opened my eyes to see i was bleeding out on a tree stump as every shinobi was connected to a root of the tree , my otaku self reminded me that my team was fighting Kaguya  , i pulled myself up onto my feet , i swayed as every step i took felt heavier at a time. ' I told myself that i was going to die in this war but i refused to die like this! I will die saving the shinobi!  I will die a hero!'

I charged my chakra  and i was going to use the technique that could cause death .i did the hand signs as runes were covering my body , i glowed with radiating chakra and with my final war cry i did the jutsu " Ninja forbidden special art:Kaguya Rune!!"

3rd pov --

Kaguya started glowing and cried out"No!Kirima! " she disappeared with a bright and loud bang , Kirima held the surging energy in her centre , she smiled softly " goodbye my friends. ..i never wanted to die so young ..without telling sasuke how i truley feel ..without having a child of my rather die saving my friends happy i came to this was fun!"

And with an immense surge of chakra a large explosion happened,  the tree irradicated and a weak form dropped from the sky , sasuke and naruto jumped midair to catch the girl who gave her life to save many

Word count 529

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