Prisoner of the Uchiha

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Its been weeks since Valen got the package , i tried to communicate with Kaguya but she kept chasing me away no matter how much i did or tried . I sighed heavily and jumped off the log going to Valen " Okay ! Thats it!! Kaguya is clearly not interested in me so why should i continue! ?" Valen looked up at me seriously " Your frustrated and tierd,  go sleep " i frowned irratated " didnt you hear what i just said ?"  She took a moment "oh thats right ...your only 16 " i frowned " and you clearly dont know  Kaguya !" She frowned " i think its time for you to wake up " i frowned and turned my back to her " tsk im tired of this place .." i walked not noticing the mirror door Valen set infront of me and before i knew it i was falling ,my eyes widened , i turned and saw Valen waving from the portal , i yelled " Valen you bitch!!!" She winked and disappeared,  i turned and i knew i was going to end up splatted , i bit my finger " summoning jutsu! " suddenly Saki appeared and i landed on her back , she flew me to the ground , i smiled " thankyou Saki " she bowed " always Master Kirima " she then 'poofed' away. I kicked a stone " damn Valen , what was her point of throwing me like that ..." i then heard a familiar voice that made my heart skip " Kirima? " i turned and i couldnt believe it , it was sasuke who seemed very confused , there was a guy with white hair and purple eyes who looked curious ( Suigetsu). There was a man with orange hair that seemed on edge ( jugo)and then there was a red head female glaring at me (Karin) , i blinked a few times " Sasuke ? What are you doing here ?" He narrowed his eyes " i was about to ask you the same question " i frowned then made a carless attitude " i was thrown out a portal by my Sensei " he looked suprised by how calmly i said it , karin moved her glasses " why is your chakra so different? " i looked at her ' right , she is a sensory type like me ...and an Uzamaki ' " thats because im very unique " i crossed my arms " so let me guess ...searching for a lead on older Uchiha? " sasuke seemed frozen wondering how i got to that so quickly , i caught his gaze and shrugged my shoulders " i heard Orochimaru was killed ao that is obviously your next move " i then smirked with my hands on my hips " thats the Sasuke ive always know afterall " karin seemed jealous and Suigetsu smiled and laughed  " i like her , she puts Karin on edge  "  i raised my eyebrow and the next thing sasuke said suprised me " your coming with us .." i hit a blank " huh?" Karin seemed furious " why must SHE come along ?"i didnt like her tone,  sasuke looks at karin with a straight face " your chakra share doesnt heal wounds .." he looks at me "Kirima is a highly skilled medic kunochi " i blinked a few times ' did he just indirectly compliment me ?'  I sighed " do i have a choice ?" Without hesitation he spoke " no " i sighed " ugh fine " i then looked to the sky and the wind blew slightly and i felt a stirring in myself , sasuke looked at the others " we split up to find the Akatski,  Kirima is coming with me " i looked at him " why?" He looked at me " so you dont escape " i sighed in defeat and followed him , i looked at him " ya know , white doesnt truley suit you..neither does that dark coat your wearing" he looked at me with an eyebrows raised , i put my arms behind my back " blue ..or grey suits you best , also a nice fringe over your forehead instead of it parted like it is now " he still looked at me with wonder , i giggled sheepishly " it will make you seem less serious and it will makes you less obvious " he just watched me with curiosity  . Suddenly we were attacked , i immediately jumped sideways as sasuke jumped back , it was two akatski members Diedira and Tobi which i knew was someone else ( you will know if you watched till the end ) Tobi looks at me " Ooh!just our luck ! Its a Yashima!!" I got in my fighting stance " bring it cookie face!!" All three men looked at me suprised , i looked at sasuke " what? His mask looks like a cookie " he sighed and got into his fighting stance . Diedera pointed to me " Tobi capture her !" Tobi jumped " yes sir!" I growled " not on your life " i charged to tobi and tackled him out of the sky into the woods .
We tumbled for a bit until we reached a stop

( if you havent gotten to the whole Tree atory then you wont understand this part )

Tobi spoke in his real voice " I am suprised you came out of your protected dimension " i growled " i dont need any protection " he swayed " is that so?" He suddenly appeared beside my and attempted to hit my stomach , i dodged and he appearex behind me and i suddenly heard a female voice
**kirima behind you!**
I gasp and dodge the attacks , as the voice guided me , it looked more like a gymnast doing a performance  course.  Finally i landed on my hand and spinned kicking Tobi in his gut , he seemed unfazed and grabbed me by the throat and hit my hard against a tree " your nothing but a vessel of pure energy..." i frowned " your a vessel of pure emptiness !" I then used full force and headbutt him making him stumble , i then used both legs and kicked him harshly on the chest making him vanish then revanish behind me , i mould my gold chakra into a whip and catch is wrist and tossed him over my shoulder. I heard him growl and then suddenly we both stopped , i sensed it , pure danger . Suddenly tobi disappeared,  i gasp " The self destruction! " i then ran as fast as i could , i made a dimension door and jumped through it just in time too , i landed on a small area and i noticed Suigetsu was staring at me in suprise then he looked up at the explosion " what is that ?" I looked at him " sasuke was caught in that , look at one of  the  summonings " he looked at me then pulled out a scroll and summoned a large purple snake , i crossed my arms as sasuke came out all wobbly and dropped to his knees , he explained what he did as the other two came by.  Suigetsu looked at me " how come you didnt rescue sasuke " i shrugged " He is strong enough to take care of himself "  we decided to head to a nearby inn as i could heal sasuke .

Word count : 1135

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