The Castle

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I tied up against the wall. My hooves were starting to hurt from being here all day. Darkness was all I could see. I was starting to get used to it now. No pony had come to visit me until...right about now. The door creaked open to my left and I saw a figure walk in.
"Ah, my DEAR princess" the figured sneered.
"Get away...from me...Sombra" I gasped. The lack of food and water has hurt my throat.
"Now, what would be the fun in that? Hm?" He remarks, I can hear him walk to the right and flip a switch. Light. Finally. It floods the area and my eyes. I realize I'm chained up in my own dungeon. I struggle but realize it's no use. My wings flap useless behind me, but I refuse to give up.
"Twilight will fine you" I sneer at him. He turns back to me and smirks. I narrow my eyes at him and try to hold my head up tall. Show at least what's left of my dignity.
"Oh my darling....the Queen is on her way to take care of her" the Queen? It suddenly dawns on me who he means.
"N-no Sombra you CANT YOU COWARD" I struggle against my chains. Twilight and her friends are strong but alone...I don't know if she can do it!
"Oh no, she's sent in 2 of her best, I'm sure they'll have a...heh, let's just say lovely time with her" Sombra replies looking at me from the corner of his eye. I scream and yell, anything to get his attention, to not leave me in the dark again. But the door slams shut...and once again, all I can see.

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