The Beginning

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It was a cold Saturday morning when I got the letter from my step sister Princess Cadence.
Dear Twilight,
I've finally been able to have some relax time finally in my empire, I was wondering if you'd like to come visit. Flurry Heart will be very happy to see her auntie Twili!
Love, Princess Cadence

My eyes grew wide with excitement as I thought about seeing Flurry again. That little foals probably gotten so big!
"STARLIGHTTTTT" I yelled through my castle. She ran down stairs her eyes wide with terror.
"W-what's going on?! Was their an attack!? Is somepony dead?!" I laugh and pat her on the shoulder.
"Cadence had just invited me to the Crystal Empire! I figured you would want to come to see Flurry Heart and Sunburst" Her eyes softened and a smile spread across her face.
"What time do we leave?"
"Well, I was thinking today, since Cadence and I were really only going to relax the whole time, were staying for 2 days"
"Oh ok I can do that" replied Starlight "meet me down here in 20 minutes and I'll have everything ready" I just laugh and reply with a thanks. Its good to have Starlight here again I think to myself as I trot to my room, getting ready to pack. I turn the corner into my room, to see my #1 assistant and dragon friend Spike sitting on my bed reading one of his comics

"Hey Spike, we're leaving for the Crystal Empire in 20 minutes, you should start packing" I explain, getting ready to pack my own bags

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"Hey Spike, we're leaving for the Crystal Empire in 20 minutes, you should start packing" I explain, getting ready to pack my own bags.


The train station was pretty empty when Starlight, Spike and I stood there.
" I wonder how big Flurrys gotten" Spike said, breaking the silence.
"I wonder how much the crystal ponies will cheer at seeing their, oh so amazing spike the brave and glorious" Said Starlight making a funny motion with her hooves. Spike just ignored it and starting bragging again about how he saved the empire. I giggled and rolled my eyes, waiting for the train to pick us up.


"Twilight!" Princess Cadence cried as she saw me walk through the door.
"Sunshine sunshine, ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves and do alittle shake!" We both yelled together.
"You guys have something special" I hear my BBBFF say to my right. He pulls me into a bear hug and ruffles my mane. "Its good to see ya, little sis"
"Its so great to see you guys again!" Starlight says, hugging them next. "How's the baby?"
"Oh she's going to be so excited to see you" Shining Armor says rushing out of the room.
"Oh Twilight by the way, the convention starts in 6 minutes, it's only 3 minutes away so we should be leaving soon" Cadence explains.
"Auntieeee" a high pitch voice sounded. My heart suddenly stopped.
"SHE CAN TALK!?" I cried out hugging her.
"Yep" Cadence giggled. "She said her first words 2 weeks ago, 'books' I guess she has part of you in her"
"Awwww" I grin a give her a kiss on the cheek. "C'mon Cadence we should get going now, bye everypony!"


The convention had just started when we got there. I picked up a map and we sat down at a bench.
"I think since we're closet to 'Starswirl the A.I. we should start there and work our way around to the left." Cadence suggested.
"I wonder how correctly he answers!" We both laugh together and make our way toward our first contraction.
"What's the funniest joke you've every heard?" Cadence asks. Starswirl A.I. rubs his beard and says,
"Why did the chicken cross the road?"
"To get to the house!! Knock-Knock"
"Who's there??"
"THE CHICKEN!!" Cadence and I burst out laughing that our stomachs hurt so much.
"Ok ok" I say, finally gaining control of myself. "What's the-" I was suddenly cut off the loud wails of terror coming from outside. The tent starts to fall around us some have no choice but to get out. Ponies are running everywhere, screaming and yelling could be heard.
"WHATS HAPPENING!?" I yell over the chaos.
"WE NEED TO GET TO THE CASTLE ASAP!" It's hard since we're going the opposite direction of the others. When we finally get there we slam the big double doors and come face to face with an orange coated stallion guard with a blue mane.
"F-flash Sentry!?" I squeek out.
"M-lady, thank Celestia you guys are ok, quickly, follow me" he leads us to a place Cadence calls the safe room. "Starlight! Spike! Sunburst!" I cry and pull them into a bear hug.
"It's good to see your safe Twilight" Starlight said.
"What was happening?" I ask.
"We're not really sure exactly, one minute it was peaceful, the next, everypony was running around in chaos!" Sunburst stated.
"Where's Shining Armor!?" Cadence asked
"He went to go round up the troops, I have Flurry Heart" Replied Spike handing her to Cadence.
"Mama" she cried, probably wondering what was happening or where her father was. Suddenly the floor started to shake and I felt like I was going to throw up. I felt a hoof on my shoulder and turned around to see Flash yelling something at me, before everything went black.

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