Brother and sister

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"Twilight I think we should go this way"
"No Flash, Aquas compass is pointing North we need to go there!"
"Uh guys-"
"I know how to get home Twilight!"
"You have no idea where we are!"
"GUYS" Flash and I stopped yelling and looked at her. After a lot of talking. Flash and I agreed to let Aqua go with us since she knew the woods better than any of us. The compass was supposed to help us wasn't working that well.
"I think we need to rest" she said trotting over to a tree. Flash and I looked at each other, shrugged, and followed her.

*rustle rustle*

*rustle rustle* what was that?

*rustle rustle* I lifted my head up to the noise. Was it a mouse?

"Flash" I say nudging him. He didn't stir.

"Flash!" I tried again. His eyes slowly opened and he glared at me.

"I know your royalty, but sleep would really be nice right now" he said grumbling.

"Flash I think somethings out there watching us"

*rustle rustle*

He lifted up his head, eyeing where the noise came from and stood up.

"Stay here, I'm gonna check it out" no sooner had he finished his sentence, two figures emerged. In the dark, the only thing that showed, was their eyes, or, their one eyes.

"Brother, I think this is itttt" one slithered.

"Yesssssss" the other replied.

"Twilight? What's going on?" I heard Aqua say behind me. I looked from Flash to Aqua. Over and over again.

"Aqua, hide" I heard the tiny patter of hooves fade away and went to stand next to Flash.

"What are you?" He asked. They both giggled and stepped into the light. I gasped. Brother and Sister I guessed. The girl had a pink mane and eyes, but...she was a changling. The boy had a blue mane and eyes. They started to walk around Flash and I in a circle.

"We are Siameseeee if you please...." The girl began.

"We are Siameseeee if you don't please" the boy finished. They both stopped in front of us but they looked me in the eye.

"You have something we wantttt" said the boy.

"Dear Brother why don't we be hospital before we...starttttt" murmured the girl.

"My sister is Des...I am Troy..." Explained Troy walking around us again.

"What do you want?" Demanded Flash, his eyes narrowed. Des walked up to him eye level, but she got a little to close for my comfort.

"Ohhhhh, arint you the tough oneeee" she giggled. Flash stiffened and his face flushed as red. He pushed her away and stepped back. Troy then walked over to me, right...on my ear.

"Our queen has some...demands..." He chuckled. "Your power is one of 4 that she wants..." He must mean Celestia Luna and Cadence!

"Get away from her!" Flash intervened stepping in front of him. Troy hissed and stepped back, his sister joining him.

"Oh c'mon little girllll" Des hissed. Suddenly Troy grabbed Flash and slammed him to the ground. I was barely able to tell his name before Des grabbed me and and threw me against a tree. The breath was knocked out of my lungs as I tried to stand.

"Flash..." I murmured. My eyesight turned cloudy and the last thing I saw was Troy grabbing Flash...then everything...went black.

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