Jack Kelly X Reader ~ Balloons

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Hey, Guys! So, of course I won't have any requests or anything coz it's 1:41 am where I am and this is my first proper chapter WHOOP! Anyway I think it's only fitting for the first oneshots to be a classic Jack Kelly installment. This is my first Wattpad story-so yeah, here goes!

Put her on the spot and Y/N would say, 'persistent'. Yep, that's definitely the word she would choose to describe the infamous Jack Kelly. Well maybe not always, but right now- strolling along the streets with Jack trailing behind her, it was certain.

Not only was Jack, persistent-he was also completely and utterly smitten.

'Well, well, well! Jack Kelly, smitten! I'se never thought I'd ever see it' , a relentless Race, teased

'And for Y/N, too! Ain't she bit out of your league, Kelly', Romeo's statement was met with a few nods and a few chuckles throughout the Manhattan Newsie Lodging House.

'I'se think its cute!', said Specs

'You'se sound like Jack when he endlessly talks about Y/N' Race stated, emphasizing endlessly.

It soon became apparent that Jack wasn't even listening to the conversing and teasing of his fellow newsies, instead he was staring blankly out of a window. Daydreaming.

'You'se alright, Jack?'

Crutchie's remark aroused Jack's attention

'Yeah, fine. Great' answered Jack

The simplicity of Jack's answer amused Albert. Jack, he thought usually can't close his mouth. And to see the man of a thousand words -barely able to give a four word answer was...unsettling.

'Ya know,' said Race while putting an unlit cigar in between his chapped lips. 'Y/N will be round 'ere tomorrow'

Jack spun around so fast his neck began to fill with a seering pain.

'And I'se would get some sleep if you'se really wanted to be at ya best for 'er' 

Before anything else could be said, Jack bid a quick goodnight to his peers and jogged up to his 'penthouse'.

And that's how she got here. Y/N with Jack following behind her and cracking pick-up lines in a fruitless attempt to flirt with her.

Y/N rolled her gorgeous Y/E/C orbs and smiled to herself.

She did love Jack.

She knew she was in denial though...but was it really denial if she was aware of it.

Then she spun around, snapping herself out of thought and dragging her to an amusing yet insufferable reality.

'Ok, Kelly. Haven't you got papers to sell?'


'Jack-' Y/N was cut off by a sudden bargain being proposed by Jack

'If you'se would be so kind to give me a kiss then I'se might do what I'm told this once'

Y/N chuckled at the offer and the very obvious smirk playing on Jack's lips. And then BAM! It hit her if she did kiss him then it might just satisfy her for now and she'd be able to determine if she truly cared for the handsome Newsie.

Before she could reconcile. Y/N slammed her lips onto the unexpected Jack. Jack's eyes widen as a sudden wave of shock overcame him.  However his bewilderment was short-lived as he found himself kissing back. The kiss transitioned from half-hearted and uncertain into tender, passionate and sweet. Jack's hands clasped Y/N's waist as her hands reached up and intertwined with his hair.

They stood there, kissing for what felt like an eternity. In all honesty, both were embracing the moment.

Grabbing it like a child grasping the string of a balloon before it drifted away.

However a loud whistle echoed down the street, interrupting the two.

A bunch of smug, content Newsie stood there all cheering and jumping like mad-men.

That's what they are-Thought Y/N.

Wonderful mad-men.

As Jack and Y/N wandered down the rest of the street together, hand in hand.

Y/N realized she really, truly, honestly LOVED Jack

She certainly wasn't letting go of this balloon anytime soon.

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