Chapter 1

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I felt like I'd been running for hours but in reality it was only something like 15 minutes. My muscles were groaning in protest and the stitch in my side was gradually getting worse.

I turned to look over my right shoulder to see that the guy had sped up a little. He was getting closer which forced me to push myself further. I turned into an alleyway in an attempt to avoid the guy on my trail. It didn't work though because he followed me in a few moments later.

I weaved in and out of different alleyways, trying anything to get this guy away from me. I ran out of an alleyway and into the busy street. A black SUV turned the corner and sped towards me. I now had two people after me. Both most likely working for the same men.

I ran into a busy parking lot and headed for the nearest exit.

I continued running even though I was beginning to run out of oxygen. I turned once more to check behind me. The SUV was gone but the guy remained. A determined look on his face as he weaved in and out of parked cars.

I made it to the exit and back onto a busy road. I turned to check behind me. The guy was closer than ever and shouting for me to stop. I turned back to the road just in time. The black SUV had pulled out in front of me, blocking my path. I skidded to a holt and span in circles looking for an escape. There was none. I was trapped.

A man climbed out the back of the SUV. He was clearly in his late 50s. "Homeland security. Put your hands above your head." He ordered me. The guy that was following me froze and ran off in the opposite direction.

I put my hands above my head and he approached me with handcuffs. "Your under arrest for the murder of Alexander Patrova." He said quickly. I looked at him in shock. What bloody murder? I might be responsible for many wrongdoings but I'm certainly not a bloody murderer.

"Woah chill out. I didn't kill anyone." I said quickly. He ignored me and cuffed my hands behind my back. He dragged me towards the van. Me kicking and screaming in the process.

"Let me go grandpa." I screamed. As we approached the van I was able to finally look at the faces of the others in the van. The driver was a petit Asian woman with black wavy hair. She was looking at me curiously through the window. The guy in the passenger seat had a goofy smile and a ugly hat. He was looking at me with a smile on his face. He almost looked impressed.

The homeland agent forced me into the back of the van and slammed the door shut behind me. I groaned in frustration as the agent guy climbed into the seat beside me. He closed his door and ordered the girl driver to go.

"This is kidnapping. I'm a minor don't forget and I certainly didn't kill anyone." I said in desperation.

They all ignored me except the guy with the weird hat. He sniggered from the front seat and sent me a smirk.

The drive wasn't very long. The whole while I fiddled with my handcuffs trying to get out of them before we arrived at wherever they were taking me. No use. These things weren't easy to get out of.

We arrived shortly after at a run down garage. The woman pulled the SUV into park and everyone climbed out of the van. With my hands cuffed behind my back, I had no choice but to stay put.

The agent opened my door and pulled me out. He directed me towards the door and pushed me inside. The inside of the building was a lot more put together than the outside. It was neatly organised with desks arranged randomly around the place. The majority of the desks were well organised except the one closest to the door.

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