Chapter 6

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(Toby's POV)

We got a hit on the vehicle but no luck on the identification of the kidnappers. Sly managed to track the vehicle to the same vicinity as the warehouse we visited a few hours ago.

We all climbed into the van as Happy drove full speed towards the warehouse. "So what's the plan boss?" I asked Walter. Walter had been staring at his tablet since we left the garage. He looked up at me and sighed.

"Ummm, Well me, Happy, Toby and Cabe will enter through the side entrance. Sly will stay here with Paige and Charlie. Our main goal is getting Lillie out of there safely. Under no circumstance are we to approach the kidnappers unless we have to. We only have one gun compared to them who could have 20." He said quickly.

Everyone nodded in agreement. Happy slowed the van as we approached the warehouse. "I'm going to park a little away from the doors so we don't alert the kidnappers." Happy said slowly.

When the van pulled to a stop everyone prepared to exit. I grabbed my hat and opened the van door. Charlie went to jump out after me but I put my hand out to stop him.

"I know you care about Lillie but we can't find her if we're trying to protect you at the same time. You need to stay here. We won't be long but you can't come with us. You'll just be an extra distraction." I said slowly.

He nodded in understanding but I could tell he was having an internal battle with himself. He sat down again in his seat and I closed the door behind me. Happy was next to jump out. She cast me a reassuring smile and did up her leather jacket.

I was extremely nervous as to what state we'd find Lillie in. I don't know what I'd do if she's hurt or worse. I walked towards Happy as Walter climbed out of the van. He looked around nervously.

"Everything okay Walt?" I asked.

"I'm just curious... The kidnappers must know we've been here so why would they risk bringing Lillie here? They know we know where it is." He finished. I thought for a moment. He was right. The kidnappers must know we were here looking around so it seems silly for them to bring her back here.

"In that case they'd be careful. She's either not here at all or they've taken precautions. She won't be easy to get to." I said slowly. I made eye contact with Happy and she looked more worried than I'd ever seen her. She cared for Lillie.

"The longer we stand around, the more time we give them to do something to Lillie. We can't wait any longer." Happy said in desperation. I nodded and we all walked towards the door of the warehouse.

We tiptoed towards the doors. Our backs against the wall to provide more cover. I was in front of Happy but behind Walter. We could hear quiet talking in the distance. Someone was here and close by.

Walter suddenly stopped and pushed me and Happy further behind him. I gave him a confused and frustrated glare. He just held his finger to his lips to signal for us to be quite.

A few moments later a man with a gun planted firmly in his hands walked a little away from us. If we hadn't moved when Walter pushed us back then he would've seen us. I sighed as he finally moved out of sight.

"That was close." I whispered.

"Too close. We need to be more careful. How far is the side entrance?" Happy whispered.

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