Chapter 7

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Cabe, Paige and Walter had arrived not long after. We'd all taken to the seats positioned around the room. Charlie hadn't left Lillie's bedside since we arrived. He remained sat there even when everyone gathered round for some takeaway brought from the cafeteria downstairs.

"Are you sure you don't want me to save you a sandwich?" Paige asked Charlie for the 5th time since we'd started eating.

"No thanks. I'm not hungry." He replied softly. I pulled my attention away from Charlie and frowned at Paige. She shrugged and continued her conversation with Walter.

I got up from my seat beside Happy and walked slowly towards Charlie. I crouched down next to him and sighed. "How ya doing?" I asked.

"How do you think I'm doing?" He asked. Obviously with more aggression than anticipated. "Sorry. I'm just stressed." He admitted after.

"It's completely understandable. I think you should take a break though. Go sit next to Happy and have something to eat. I'll take your place by Lillie" I whispered. He looked down at his hand which was currently holding Lillie's.

He nodded slowly. "Okay. Take my seat and try to eat something. I'll take care of her." I whispered. He nodded and slowly let go of her hand. He smiled at me and moved to sit beside Happy. I took his seat and took Lillie's fragile hand in my own.

Happy smiled at me over Charlie's shoulder and handed him a sandwich.

I turned my attention back to Lillie. She looked slightly better than she did when I first saw her at the warehouse. She was still very pale and the pained look remained on her face.

The doctor came into the room about an hour later to check her vitals. "How is she?" Happy asked the young nurse.

"She's doing alright. Her heartbeat is getting stronger every time I come to check on her which is good. If everything goes to plan then she could leave tomorrow evening. She'd be on bed rest for a while and in a wheelchair." The nurse replied.

"How's her leg?" I asked.

"She'll need her dressings changed at least twice a day. I'll come back in a few minutes to change her bandage and check her stitches. It should be fine but I'll know more after they're changed" she said before leaving the room.

"So she can go home tomorrow?" Charlie asked.

"Guess so kid." Happy replied with a smile.

"My foster family will be wondering where I am so I should probably go home tonight. I can come back tomorrow to check on her." Charlie said slowly.

"Sounds like a good plan. It'll be nice for Lillie to see you when she wakes up." I added.

"When do you think that'll be?" He asked.

"Whenever the anaesthesia wears off. Could be an hour, could be any minute." I replied. He nodded and leant back in his chair.

"You should all go home. It's getting late." I said turning to everyone. They all looked shocked and suddenly began refusing.

"No. We should stay." Paige said quickly.

"Yeah. Im not leaving." Happy said sternly.

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