Chapter 4

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We pulled up at the garage and all climbed out of the van. We made our way inside only to be stopped by Walter as soon as we walked inside.

"Your almost half an hour late." He retorted grumpily.

Toby looked down at his watch and sighed. "Lighten up Walt. We had a late night." Toby replied.

"I didn't need to know that." Walter replied. I cringed when I realised what he meant. I looked up at Toby and he sighed.

"Not what I meant Walter. We watched a film and fell asleep." Toby clarified with a smile.

Happy rolled her eyes and walked towards her desk whilst Toby headed to his. I went to sit on the sofa whilst everyone bustled about around me.

Cabe came towards me and sat beside me on the sofa. "So Toby tells me you met the boss of the drug ring?" Cabe said sighing.

I nodded slowly. "Can you remember his name?" Cabe asked.

"No. I can't really remember what he looks like either but I could probably identify him if I saw him again." I said quietly.

"What about the warehouse house kid? Remember where that is?" He asked.

"Sort of. I often visit there in my dreams. I could probably give you directions."

"Listen kid, the guy chasing you the day we met, was he part of the drug ring?" Cabe asked.

"I have no idea. He was definitely connected to Mark though. He kept shouting that Mark 'wanted to talk.' I've been running from Mark and his guys since he disappeared the first time. I thought that was it but for some reason he continued to contact me." I replied.

"Continued to contact you? Did you see him after he left?" Cabe asked.

"No. I only received letters, small gifts and occasionally one of his guys would track me down and tell me Mark wanted to talk. I sent him a letter back once and told him not to contact me again. That's when shit hit the fan. Marks guys started turning up more frequently and I ran away. They followed. I was running from one of them that day when you picked me up."

"Thank you for telling me this. If I give you a pad and pen could you write down the directions to the warehouse?"

I nodded and he gave me a pad of lined paper and a black pen. He nodded to me before leaving. I started writing down every direction I could remember of how to get to the warehouse. I read it over once I was done. When I figured it was as accurate as it was going to get, I stood up and walked towards Cabe's desk. I looked towards Toby's desk as I walked past and he smiled reassuringly at me. I nodded back and continued my walk to Cabe.

Cabe was reading over a document when I arrived at his desk. He didn't notice me arrive so I cleared my throat. He looked up and smiled at the piece of paper in my hand. I held it out to him. "It's as accurate as I could get it." I added with a smile.

"Thank you. Have a good day at school kid, I'll see you tonight." Cabe said smiling. I nodded and turned on my heels, walking towards Toby's desk.

"Ready to go kid?" He asked. I nodded and smiled.

"Can I borrow your phone real quick?" I asked.

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