Chapter 8

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By the end of the night I was exhausted. I'd had a great time. Singing, laughing, talking and creating new memories with my new family.

I'd never felt more at home than I do right now. Surrounded by those i love and those who make me happy.

I was now sat in the middle seat of the van. Smiling up at Happy as she reminded Toby of his extremely bad dancing. He looked offended but continued to smile like a mad man.

"I had so much fun tonight. Thank you." I said softly. They both looked down at me and smiled.

"Get used to it Lillie. We have nights like that a lot. Minus the welcome home banners." Happy laughed.

I looked out at the road ahead with a smile. It was getting dark and the road lights lit up the street around. Even though I'd spend majority of my life living on the streets, I now saw it from a new perspective. It looked prettier, safer and somewhat simpler.

When we arrived home, Toby once again helped me into my chair and wheeled me into the lobby.

Happy followed behind us and unlocked our apartment door. As Toby pushed me through the front door I looked around happily. My home. It would take a while to get used to saying that.

"When will I be able to return to school?" I asked softly. Toby sent Happy a sideways glance and looked back to me.

"Depends on your progress. Why? You already missing Charlie?" Toby teased. Happy laughed and walked to the kitchen to make us all a drink.

"Shut up" I laughed. He wiggled his eyebrows as he directed me to the couch. Helping me out of the chair and onto a comfier surface.

"So what happened with Charlie?" Happy asked as she sat down beside me on the sofa.

"I don't know what you mean." I lied. I tried my best to prevent a smile from reaching my lips but no luck. I was smiling like a Cheshire Cat.

"Ooooo. Lillie's in love." Toby sang. I elbowed him in the ribs and he erupted into a fit of giggles.

"I'm going to bed." I said laughing. Toby sighed and stood up from the coach. Holding his hand out to me and pulling me up with him.

I thanked him as he lowered me down into my chair. "Do you need a hand getting ready for bed?" Happy asked.

"Yeah. That's probably for the best." I said smiling. Happy nodded and stood up. Kissing Toby's cheek and wheeling me into my room.

She helped me stand and allowed me to lean against her as she helped me pull on my pyjama shorts. She lowered me down into my bed and I pulled on my top.

"This sucks."

She laughed and smiled softly down at me. "It won't be forever. You'll soon get back to your full potential." She added.

"I used to be so independent. What with living on the streets and all. This is a big change" I sighed.

She nodded and pushed my wheelchair to the corner of the room. I looked down at my bandaged leg and sighed.

"How's the pain?" She asked.

"Currently about a 7" I replied.

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