Chapter 24: Sal or Sol

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Queen Natasha's perspective:

We exchanged the looks for the last time as I reached for my knife while he grabbed his sword a little more tightly. We nodded and understood that we both will turn and split to fight them in case they noticed and attacked us. But when they came closer, both the groups diverted slightly until due to thick forestation they were complied to take alternative routes and finally meet each other.

Fredrick put away his sword and motioned me to do the same. As both the groups started interacting we took that opportunity and tried to slowly turn and run on the other direction, however, the sound of the leaves was enough to distract them and all them looked at our direction. Luckily we were still not visible from their line of sight.

My heart-beat accelerated while Fredrick looked at me with a hint of panic and also concern. Three of the men were sent in our direction and they walked so quickly that it didnt gave us enough time to draw our own weapons. In split of seconds Fredrick turned to see them and then looked back at me.

"Who is it? Reveal yourselves now!" barked the bald armed man.

My heartbeat was already so fast that I felt I might swallow my own heart had it beaten any faster. They were almost there. Fredrick took one last look at me and almost apologetically he tilted his head and before they could reach us, he bend his head kissed the nook of my neck.

"What are you two doing here?" asked the tall men loudly.

Fredrick turned quickly to face them. "We were just passing by." he said confidently.

"Aye. Passing by aren't we? Who is the maiden?" he asked roughly.

"That is none of your concern!" Fredrick said harshly as his boiling rage reached new levels when the Bald men turned to take a look at me.

My hands slowly reached Fredrick's shoulders and I rested one side my head at his back to hide my face. There was only one warrior-Queen in this region, and nearly all men could recognize her. If my safety really was at risk, as told to me by Fredrick, I must avoid the risk of revealing myself,

"Let them go Brandie. We don't wanna get to any trouble do we." the third one addressed to the tall one pointedly. 

"Well then, get yourselves outta here quickly! Luck that we found ya, else ya had to pay fine  for ya behaviour! Scandalous! Young lovers my foot!" said the tall one crudely. He spit at Fredrick's foot and turned to leave.

Fredrick was about to attack them when I pressed his shoulder gently and hold him back. I could sense his anger even without looking at his face.

They left us as quickly as they came and joined their group. I pulled Fredrick and dragged him as quickly as I could out of the woods towards the springs. We kept running without catching a glimpse of what was happening behind us. We eventually reached the edge of the wood where forestation a little less dense. I motioned him to stop and faced him.

"What were you thinking? Attacking them when they were ready to let us go?" I said little furiously.

"Didn't you hear them?" he said strongly.

"They can bark if they like. I don't care." I said in a control voice.

"I care! I care when someone sees you that way, I care when they talk ill about you, I care-." he said furiously but I interrupted him and grabbed his hand and place on my chest. There were several expressions that reflected through his face, some simultaneously others with the rhytm of my heartbeat.

We continued silently till we finally reached our carriage. None of us spoke during our trip back home. Most of the ministers were gone and a handful of people remained who eagerly waited for their dismissal. It had been a long day. Dinner was short and quite. Even Mother-Queen appeared to be lost in her own thoughts.

Before I could enter my chambers however, Frederick stopped me and motioned me to have a quick word once maids were dismissed and the palace's lights were put out for a long night's sleep. I nodded and shut my door behind me.

Fredrick came a few hours later, I had kept my door slightly ajar, and so he gently crept into my room and took me to the guest room wing.

That part of the palace was usually reserved for the Royal visitors only. At midnight we tiptoed the entire floor till we reached a spiral stairs that opened to the Tower's main gallery. I must admit: it all appeared quite exciting! It was like sneaking out of your beds at night during your childhood.

"What's with so much secrecy!" I spoke.
He lightly put his finger on my lips and motioned me to keep silent. There wasn't much room at the Tower's top. Hence, he leaned closer to me and thoroughly inspected our surroundings.

"Listen carefully. Tomorrow will be a busy day. We may not be able to talk to each other in detail." Fredrick spoke.

He continued, "You already know about Richard. I solemnly swear upon what ever is sacred in Life and hereafter, what I am about to tell you is nothing but the truth."

He took a deep breath and then took a step closer towards me. My heartbeat had already accelerated and everything appeared so still at that time. Even the wind had calmed and was waiting for him to tell what he has been dying to tell me for so long.

" Natasha, I didn't marry you because I loved you, I married you so that we both may regain our honour and end a long dispute amongst our people."
Although his first words hurt me I gestured him to continue.

"It wasn't only about your honour..." he hesitated for a moment and then said, "Your life was in danger too."
"What are you talking about?" I asked impatiently.

"Do you trust me?" he asked sternly.
I thought hard and I thought for long. He continued to ask me repeatedly whether I trust me or not. What am I to say? Trust is not the same as love. It is to be earned. Did  he ever betrayed me? Or gave me any reason not to trust him? If I admit that I trust him how will it effect our relationship?

"You have never betrayed me." I said slowly. He shoked his head sideways and said," But do you trust me or not?"
"You never needed to ask before why ask now? Why does it matter?" I asked in confusion.

"I ask because it matters." He said sincerely. I took a deep breath and said, " You are worthy of my trust and I trust you."

He sighed and took my face between his palms and looked into my eyes and said, " Forgive me if this hurts you. But I must tell you."

"Please do so quickly!" I said worriedly.

"Your life was in grave danger, and I owed you too much. Natasha..." he paused and said, " Richard was a part of those who tried to kill you."

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