Chapter 1: Sword & Cross Reform School

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Hi guys!!! Here is the first chapter!!! I hope you like it!!!

Oh and don't forget to vote, comment, fan!!!

Next chapter will be up in a few days!!!

- Laura Kayleigh

Chapter 1: Sword & Cross Reform School

“But paradise is locked and bolted… We must make a journey around the world to see if a back door has perhaps been left open.” – Heinrich von Kleist: “On the Puppet Theater”

Ilona P.O.V

It was my first day here at Sword & Cross Reform School. Since I was accused of setting my boyfriend on fire, this was my punishment. I already missed Dover Prep School, which was my previous school, and my best friend Tara. She and I used do everything together. But now I’m here, alone, with no one to talk to. The new girl, who was too quiet, too sweet, and didn’t belong at a place like this. Oh how I wish Tara was here, I thought to myself as I followed the teacher, Ms Randy, to my room. “Here you are. Room 62. Classes starts in an hour, so you better be there. That’s it. Oh and remember; The red eyes are watching you” Ms Randy said before walking a few feet down the hall. I could see a girl standing in a doorway, probably to her room, mocking Ms Randy. “Oh Ariel, you just earned the pleasure of showing little miss sunshine over there around.” She said as she gave the girl, I guess must be Ariel, a note.

“You must be Ilona Price then.” She asked with a smirk. “That’s me… And I’m guessing you are Ariel?” “Then you are guessing right! But only the teachers around here call me Ariel, everyone else calls me Ari” she laughed at me. I looked at her to figure out why she seemed so different from everyone I’ve met I my life, when I cached a glimpse of her eyes. They were purple. I didn’t get much time to think about that, before Ariel grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of hallway and down the stairs to the ‘lobby’. Ariel almost ran into a guy that looked familiar. “Ari!” he hissed. “Zayn!” she just hissed back, and then I remembered. He was at the introduction thing this morning with me and a girl named Victoria.

“You know him?” I asked her while she dragged me over to what looked like a dessert sports arena. Or what’s left of one. “Yeah he went here before he got in jail. This is his 4th time here.” “Oh” was all I could say. “Don’t worry we are all psychos here. Well some more than others… You can tell who’s who by looking at their wrists. If they are wearing silver mechanic looking bracelets then they are psycho.” Just like that I noticed she was wearing one. “Told ya!” she just said.

I looked down at my watch to see that it almost was time for my first class here, and I have no idea where to go. “Uhm Ari? Shouldn’t we be heading to class now?” “That might be a good idea. I don’t wanna sit next to Zayn, so we might need to hurry.” She started running of in one direction and I followed as fast as I could. Holy carrot she was fast. We reached the building I assume was the school part of the school, in no time. Students were already standing outside the huge brick building, when I froze. They all looked super scary and big. More like huge. There were equally boys and girls, as far as I could see, but I’m not really sure. I turned around to ask Ari how many students there were at the school, but she wasn’t there. I looked around after her and ended up walking head first into a boy. I looked up to find the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen. He had hazel eyes with hints of violet in them and light brown slightly curly hair. All in all he was gorgeous.

“I’m so so sorry” I managed to say, but he just hissed at me and ran over to his friends who were staring at me like I had two heads or something. Ari came running back a few seconds later, looking slightly concerned. “Are you okay Ilo?” “Ilo?” “Yeah, I figured that I needed a nickname for you, now that we are friends.” “Oh okay… And yeah I’m okay I guess… who is he?” “Liam Payne, been here about as long as I have, and he is kind of moody all the time.” “Oh.”

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