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(EDITED AS OF MAY 12, 2016)

Robin awoke to his alarm clock, the annoying sound interrupting his somewhat peaceful dreams. He hit the snooze button and removed his body from the bed.

Last night's memories leaked into his brain, and Robin felt a tear slide down his cheek. Rarely did he ever cry, for Bruce had told him it was a sign of weakness. But when he did, it left him ashamed.

Ashamed that he let such a thing happen. But this week there was an exception. Today would have been Alfred's birthday. Robin had planned on going to see him too.

He walked towards his bathroom and looked at the mess in his mirror. Bloodshot eyes, runny nose, tear-streaked face. He decided that a shower would help, and as he turned on the hot water, he thought about someone other than Alfred or Bruce.


She had been trying to help him get past this hard time, but he didn't want-no-didn't need her help. He was perfectly capable of dealing with his own problems. He could figure this out on his own.

He finished the last of his shower, to sing off his body and wrapping a towel around his waist.

Robin stepped out of his shower and stared at himself in the mirror, his face blank, seemingly thinking about nothing.

He grabbed his inform from the sink top, pulling the dreaded traffic-light colors on. He looked down at his chest, noticing the fabric's worm appearance.

The "R" on his outfit was starting to fade.

Guess I should probably toss this one, he thought as he walked out of his room and towards the main room. As soon as he walked through the door Starfire came flying over to give him a hug.

"Dear friend Robin, how are you this glorious morning?!"

She was crushing him so much that he was turning slightly blue from loss of air.

"Star, air....please" He choked out, patting her back.

She let go and quickly apologized. Cyborg came over and smiled at him.

"How you doing, dude?"

He lead him to the counter and placed a plate of bacon and eggs in front of him, along with a cup of coffee, which everyone knew he enjoyed.

Robin nodded his thanks and responded without much detail.

"I'm doing alright."

He had told them that he had lost someone close to him, but didn't go into detail. All of the Titans had known not to push him into telling any more.

Starfire had stopped begging him for mall trips, Raven had been being somewhat decent to Beast Boy, and The little green changeling had even stopped his tofu wars with Cyborg, just to cut Robin some slack.

Beast Boy walked over to the stove, pulled out his tofu, and began to cook. Robin didn't want his team mates to worry, so he started to eat, despite the fact that he wasn't hungry.

Raven soon came in through the doors, and Starfire ran over to give her a bone crushing hug too. Surprisingly, Raven let her. After she had some time to breathe, Raven went over to her teapot and prepared her everyday herbal tea.

When the tea kettle whistled, she poured it into a teacup and sat one seat away from Robin. As Robin finished his eggs, a thought came to rest in his head.

Is she purposely keeping her distance?

He pondered on that thought and didn't notice Beast Boy talking to him.

"Earth to Robin?"

He put his green hand in front of Robin's face and waved it up and down.

"Huh?", was all that came from Robin's lips.

"I asked if you wanted to play on the game station with me. You can pick the game?"

Beast Boy pointed at the console with his other hand and Robin replied with," Maybe later Beast Boy. I have some work to catch up on."

Beast Boy nodded, finished with his tofu eggs, and went to play with Cyborg instead. With Starfire cheering them on, they left Robin and Raven at the counter.

She was sipping the hot tea, and Robin was finishing his lukewarm coffee. He stared at her hands around the cup,taking this time to start a conversation with her.

"So, Raven, read any good books lately?"

Robin knew it was a lame start, but nothing else came to his mind.

She looked up at him and, in her monotone voice, said,"Yes, actually. It's called 'The Correct Way To Slap A Robin."

She rolled her eyes and went back to sipping her tea. Robin laughed nervously, putting his hand on the back of his neck, and said, "Could I by any chance borrow it, I might need to know how to properly slap myself."

Raven looked at him and quietly, so no one but him could hear, said,  "Robin, let's cut the fillers. We both know what's happening. You are a stubborn, spiky haired nitwit. I tried to help you with your emotions, but you rejected my help. Therefore making me truly angry with you. So I would appreciate it if you left me be."

She then got up, tea in hand, and walked through the door to the hallway. Robin followed her, chasing after her and calling her name.

Once he got I front of her, he blocked her escape routes.

"Where did that come from?" he asked, putting a hand behind his head.

She sighed, unhappy, and tried to move past him, but he had a strong grip on her shoulders. Raven gave him the death stare, but he still didn't move.

"I felt your emotions last night. They was overpowering and kept me awake. I want to help you, but you have to let me in!"

She pushed against his chest, but he wouldn't let go. He gripped her shoulders tighter, his jaw ticking a bit.

"I'm perfectly capable of handling my emotions, Raven! I don't need your help!" He yelled at her, and her stare increased.

"You need help Robin. I can sense the emotions pouring off of you! Anger, hate, shame, blame, and GRIEF! I don't know why you feel all of these things, hell, I won't know unless you tell me!"

She heard a lightbulb break in the back round, but didn't care. Finally, after a few minutes of standing there and breathing heavily, his grip loosened.

She pulled away from him, looking away and fleeing to her room. Robin stood there, head hung, realizing he had just made a big mistake.

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