Back Again

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Raven woke up from a pity nap. When she first came in her room, it was 9 A.M. Now it was 11 A.M, and she noticed she was still slouched in front of her door. She felt peaceful, that is, until the memories of hurting Robin kicked in. How could I ever do such a thing? Her mind reached out for any emotion, and she felt Robin's. Fortunately, he was still asleep. Thinking it was best to avoid him, she phased through the floor, into the common room. Cyborg looked up from his videogame with Beast Boy. "Everything alright, Rae?" She nodded, and went for her herbal tea. Cyborg handed the remote to Starfire, who,surprisingly, started to kick Beast Boy's butt. Cyborg walked over to where Raven sat, and put a hand on her shoulder. "So, Rae, care to tell me the truth?" He cocked an eyebrow, and Raven kept her eyes on the tea. "I'd rather not talk about it." Cyborg was about  to press on, but the alarm blared.  Robin came rushing into the room, glancing at Raven quickly. He read the screen, and sighed. "Titans, it's Control Freak." They all groaned, except Raven. She simply nodded, staying close to Cyborg, and away from Robin. Without any more noise, Raven, Starfire, Beast Boy, and Cyborg headed for the T-car. Robin jumped on to his motorcycle, quickly fastening his helmet. All he could think of was Raven's outburst.Why is she avoiding me?

    The Titans stopped at a game store, hearing the screams from inside. They piled out of the car, Robin awaiting.  As soon as he opened the doors, Robin was greeted with video games flying at his face. He dodged them, and instead, they hit Beast Boy. "Ouch!" He morphed into a cheetah and ran forward, not waiting for Robin's command. He bit through the obstacles. Only to meet a cardboard cut out that swung at him and knocked him into Starfire. Cyborg and Robin ran into the mess, no one noticing Raven creep towards Control Freak's back. Using her dark energy, she plucked his stupid remote out of his hands, and crushed it. "No! Not my new remote! Without it, I'm nothing!" Raven kept her face emotionless. "You were nothing even with that-" but before she could finish, a sharp pain filled her back. A card board cut out had somehow managed to survive, and had jabbed a sword into the dark girl's back. Control Freak laughed, "I always keep an extra!" With that, he pulled out a second remote. Robin had witnessed the whole thing, and ran towards his fallen teammate. "Raven?! Are you ok?!" He held her small frame in his hands, noticing the blood on her back. Raven's soul self flew out of her body, and she went into the remote, ripping it to shreds. Every other object that attacked fell to the ground, lifeless. Her soul flew back into her, and Raven stirred. "Cyborg! Get Raven to the infirmary, stat. Wrap her back and let her heal herself." Cyborg yelled an "Ok.!" and rushed Raven into the car. Robin turned to Control Freak, who laughed nervously, and gave him a kick to the face.  He cuffed the obese geek and left him for the police. Rushing to his R-cycle, Robin caught a glimpse of the T-car, with his 4 teammates in it. He zoomed back towards the tower, hoping Raven was alright.

     Raven opened her eyes to see Cyborg smiling. "Well y'all, she's finally awake." He looked over to the rest of the team, who were also smiling. Beast Boy was starting to fall asleep, and Starfire was nudging him to awaken. "How long was I out?" Raven's voice was scratchy, so Cyborg handed her  a cup of herbal tea, "A few hours." She muttered a thanks, and caught sight of Robin, who was standing in the corner.Raven quickly turned, keeping her gaze on the window. Robin, sensing the tension, cleared his throat. "Excuse me guys, but I'd like to talk to Raven, alone." Cyborg nodded, and pushed the other two out of the room, who were trying to stay in. Raven moved her eyes to focus on her hands, but Robin lifted up her chin. "Raven." His voice was laced with worry, and she could tell. "What's going on with you?" Raven tried to look down, and he caressed her cheek. "Please, Rae, don't you trust me?" He leaned in closer, looking at her beautiful amethyst eyes. Raven let her heart skip a beat, sensing what was about to happen. She knew she shouldn't let him, her heart was unfamiliar with this new emotion. And, even though she was free of Trigon's grasp, her emotions could still become uncontrollable, as she learned earlier that day. "Robin. I can't. Once was okay. But twice.....", She trailed off, knowing Robin could figure it out. He didn't care though. For once,  he wanted to see Raven happy, and her power's were not going to mess that up. He kneeled down, stroking Raven's hair. Raven noticed that his lips were only centimeters away from her's. Something pulled her back from kissing him, and Robin sighed. " Rae, let yourself go, for once." She felt his breath on her cheek, and Raven couldn't hold back anymore. She let him kiss her, but after a few seconds, she felt another presence in the room. "Am I interrupting something?" Batman's voice made both teenagers jump. Robin, quickly pulled away, blushing furiously,"Hello, Bruce." Batman stood next to the now opened window. "We never finished our talk." The Dark Night looked from Raven, to Robin. "I see you have gotten closer." He let his cold gaze fall onto Raven. "I know about your little 'incident' with Dick." Raven squirmed, feeling uncomfortable under his stare. Robin felt the need to protect her. "It was nothing, just a power malfunction." His blush started to fade. Batman grunted, staring into his old sidekick's mask. "What if that happens in the field?" Raven mustered up the courage to talk. "It won't. I had just forgotten to meditate today." Batman walked towards her,"Or maybe, this is something that cannot be meditated away?" Her eyes widened with shock, realizing he had to have been spying on them to know that. She decided to counter his snarky question. "Well you sure are one heck of a stalker, aren't you." She replied, sarcasm dripping from her voice. Robin smiled, missing this Raven. Batman sighed. "The both of you are to come to Wayne Manor when she is healed. If I don't hear from you, I will be picking you up myself."  Robin nodded. He knew that Bruce would literally pick them up in the Batmobile, and drive them to Gotham. Robin then added to his nodd, "We will, but stop spying on us, seriously." Raven smirked, and helped him finish. "I feel like I can't even use the bathroom alone." Batman put his hand up, motioning for them to stop. He started to climb out the window, but stopped. "Dick, Tim will be there, so I expect you to act appropriately." Robin let his face droop. Tim had always been one to flirt. Batman frowned, jumped off the Tower, and glided into the night.

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