Chapter 13

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Angel's Pov

"Hey..." I said with trembling lips.

"Hey Angel...How are you doing?" he asked rubbing his hand with the back of his neck.

I stared at him. Seriously? He is nervous around me? After that cocky attitude of his, now he can't talk. He hasn't talked to me for two weeks and he is asking me how I'm doing?!!

I didn't respond I just stood there with crossed arms waiting for him to go on.

"Yeah, I see...what a stupid question to ask." he said with a disappointed look for not getting a response. "I guess I should get to the point." he signed.

"Yes, you should." I said annoyed. "Why haven't you been talking to me? I don't remember doing anything that bothered you. I tried to talk you but you didn't let me. You should have listened on the first when I told you to stay away but you didn't..." I said almost in the edge of shouting. "Why explaining yourself now and not before when I tried? I think I gave you a lot of chances to do it." I snapped.

He looked at me with those brown eyes. He was debating something but what?

"Look, I'm sorry. You didn't do anything for not talking to you. I know, I've been a jerk and I don't have no excuse for this situation." he said with sadness in his voice.

"Glad you realised it." I said rolling my eyes.

I know, I'm rough with him but here he is with nothing to say and with not even a made-up excuse for his behaviour.

Why trying? I was hoping for a good reason.

At least he's honest. I give credits for his candor. That's the weirdest of all.

Why been honest with a girl that doesn't know well?"

"Because maybe he likes you and knows that you don't trust easily?" the voice in my head suggested.

No it can't be. Can be? My inner voice is messing with me. No...

"Look, I'm sorry. I.....just needed... some time to clear up things. Angel, when I first met you, I thought you were just a snappy girl who doesn't like nothing and anyone to get in her way. But I had the chance to know you a little bit. I realised I made a mistake." he signed.

I stared at his eyes. He is telling the truth.

"You are extraordinary and I'm not good for you." he said sadly.

I stared at his glowing brown eyes with sorrow hiding in his eyes. He wants to stay away.

"But then it hit me that I can't stay away from you" he said finally looking at me.

Oh my God...

He likes me. He hasn't admitted yet but I can tell.

That's when I realised that I was falling for him.

'God Angel, you are over the edge.  He has this effect on you and you are not even dating yet.' I thought.

"Why?" I simply asked.

"What 'why'?" he asked confused.

"Why me?" I nearly whispered.

"Because you are different and..."

He wanted to tell me something. I could see it in his eyes.

"....Will you forget all that happened? Please." he finally said.

It was like he was begging me to forget all these weeks.

I had too. I didn't have any other choice but something in my gut was telling to step away...

I like him but why am I thinking this?

"I will." I finally decided against it, staring in his beautiful brown eyes.

When I looked at them I had this strong feeling that he was going to keep me safe.

Safe from everyone.

He smiled.

"Thank you Angel." relief flooding in his face.

I stared at the ground. It is big deal for him to be as we were two weeks ago.

He did care.

"Angel?" I heard his deep sweet voice, getting me out of my thoughts.


"You know about a party tonight?" He asked.

Yeah, I heard about it. Everyone is going. Not me, though. Parties were never my thing.

"Yeah, what about it?" I asked confused.

"Do you want to come with me?" he asked with a smile in his face.

"Parties are not my thing." I signed.

He looked at with those brown eyes pleading me to come. "Please?" he asked again.

"Fine." I finally decided.

"Great." he smiled triumphantly. "I will pick you up at nine." he said turning to leave.

"Ok." I waved.

I watched him heading towards the lockers room and disappearing out of my sight.

What did just happen?

He asked me to go with him to the party. I smiled at the thought.

"I have to call, Alex." I whispered to myself, rushing towards the exit of the school.

I dialled the number and heard a sleepy voice answering.

"Yeah?" she tried.

"Alex!!!!" I yelled

"What the fuck, Angel!? Can't you hear I'm from sleep!? God my ear!!!" she whined.

"Sorry." I laughed. "He explained to me and guess what?! He asked me to go to the party!" I said squealing like a child.

God I need to stop acting like that.

"Ohh my God!! That's great Angel!" She said with enthusiasm.

"I know!! Are you coming?" I asked. "You know I need you there."

A pause was all I heard.

"Alex?" I asked.

"Sorry, I zoned out. Yeah and I'm going with Dave." she said with a happy tone.

What did she just say? Did she say Dave?

"What?! And you didn't tell me?"I yelled.

Ohh my God! I can't believe my brother and my best friend together. I'm already planning their wedding. I like the picture.

"You are planning our wedding, aren't you?" She said. I can imagine rolling her eyes through the phone.

"Yeah." I giggled. "So...when did it happen?" I asked.

"It happened when I left for home. I was waiting for you to call me." She said but I heard a little disappointment in her voice.

"What's wrong? Are you not happy?" I could figure why.

"I was hoping for Jo to ask me. We have been hanging around a lot this couple of weeks."

Damn it Jo for messing with my friends feelings for two years!

"I know. Just ignore him, please; he is not the right for you." I told her.

I don't like Jo at all. He has something that I don't like. I can't figure it out yet but eventually I will.

"I guess so..."she said.

"So..." I started to light up the mood "I guess we are going to a party!!"
Sorry guys for the delay. Again!
I hope you like this chapter. I'm going to update the next chapter in Sunday. Until then: enjoy!!

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