Chapter 24

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Kyle's Pov

Some people say if you can't face certain things then don't provoke them. I never took this sentence seriously because there was nothing that I couldn't face, until recently.

Can I face her again? No

Am I going to give up on her? That's a certain no.

Am I afraid how is she going to react? Definitely.

I mean the last time she saw me, she almost shoot me. She is strong and she doesn't let other people see her weakness, even if she is hurting inside.

That's what I like most about her and that's mostly the reason I know she cares about me. She can't help herself when she is around me. I know she lets down her walls just a little and enough to see through her. She is hurt and that is because of me.

That's why I'm going to fix it. Today.

"Kyle? Pss?" I heard a voice from behind me.

We are at math class. Angel's favourite. I could hear her for long talking about class every single day. It used to annoy me in the beginning but it grew on me. That and her talking about rom-com books.

I so badly miss that. I miss how passionate she could get when she talked about those things. She is strong to her beliefs and nothing and no one can change her mind.

"What?" I whispered to Alex.

"You know you fucked up, right?" she whispered with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes, I know and told you oh so many times I'm going to fix this." I said as a matter-of-fact.

Alex nodded sadly and looked down on her textbook.

"Hey...It's fine. I understand why you did it, Alex. I am not mad, I would probably have done the same thing if I had found out my best friend was been played." I tried to comfort her.

"I'm sorry again. I should have let you explain but I got so angry with you. She didn't deserve this and now...I realised how much you care about her and more than that..." she smiled.

I stared at her blankly. Does she actually know?

"What?" I asked surprised.

"It's me you are talking, Kyle. You love her. I can tell. She brought you back from the dead. It's like I could see the old you before what happened to your sister. You were different when she was around and you changed when you started dating." she pointed out.

I don't know, actually I am not sure if I have fallen for her already. I sure am starting to. She is right. I was different. I am different.

"And...I think it's time for you to tell her about your sister when you make things right. She needs to know." Alex whispered.

Can I tell her? I don't know how she is going to react. I know her enough to tell she is going to identify her incident with my sister's. Damn, even the age is close.

If I ever find those bastards who hurt the two most important women in my life, I would pass the rest of my life locked up and they would be five meters underground.

When she confessed me all those bad things, the first thing that came into my mind was to find that shit bag and make him pay for it but I couldn't react to anything else when she was in front me crying. Tears that were made because of me.

I nodded. "I will"

"Good." she responded.

" is she? I mean after all...this?" I asked.

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