And Opposites Always Attract Don't They? (Nathan and Max's POV)

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Here's the oneshot I promised. It's Nathan's POV of when Sophie tells him what happened and the last little bit is from Max's POV, just to mix it up a bit. Also it's reeeeally long, I think it's actually about 3000 words longer than the chapter so I'm sorry about that. Or not sorry if you like the long chapters. Whatever, I'll shut up. Enjoy.

For fuck's sake, I thought as the lift light flickered for a moment, this is not what I needed today. Today had been long, emotional, draining- I just wanted to curl in my bed and forget about it.

And of all the people on the world, it just had to be her I got stuck in the lift with, wasn't it?

"That's not supposed to do that, is it?" She mumbled quietly after what to me felt like years of silence. I didn't reply, just stepped around her to get to the lift's control panel, pressing a few random buttons that didn't seem to make anything happen at all.

"Nath, I don't think that's helping" she sighed quietly.

"Well, what else am I supposed to do?" I muttered. It sounded a bit harsh, but I was just in a bad mood because the situation we seem to have been thrown in. I didn't mean it.

"Is there a button you can ring for help?" She asked just as quietly as before, clearly not wanting to provoke me. My eyes scanned the control panel but saw nothing like that at all.

"No" I mumbled, leaning my head against the cool metal of the lift as she fumbled about in her pocket and pulled out her phone.

"I've no signal" she told me. I stick my hand in my own pocket and and fished my iPhone out. At the top of the screen, two bars lit up, telling me I did.

"I have" I replied, unlocking my phone and scrolling through my contacts. The first emergency number that came up was Dave so I clicked on that and waited for him to answer.

"Yeah?" I eventually heard down the phone. No 'hello Nathan' or 'how are you Nathan?' or 'stuck in any lifts with your ex girlfriend Nathan?'


"Oh hi Nathan, you alright?"

"No" I mumbled, "me and Soph are stuck in the lift"

"You and Sophie are stuck in the lift!" he exclaimed, "shit" he added, before saying something to someone who was obviously there with him.

"Can you just get someone to sort it out?" I sighed, leaning my back against the lift and subconsciously running fingers through my uncombed, sweaty mess of hair.

"Yeah, it is the lift backstage?"

"Well, obviously" I muttered sarcastically. I heard him titter at my typicalness at the end of the phone.

"I'm on my way to find someone from the arena to speak to he informed me, "I'm not sure how long you'll be stuck in there though, I'm just a bit concerned that we're gonna set off late for the next venue"

"Well, it's wonderful to know that you're concerned about us" I replied dryly.

"I am concerned about you two" he argued, "how are you? have you got food and stuff?"

"I think I've got some in my bag"

"Good, and you've got you inhaler, right?"


"And how's Sophie?"

I glanced over at Sophie to see her staring at the wall ahead of her absentmindedly. Daydreaming probably.

"She's fine" I told him.

"Make sure she's had something to eat, we don't need her fainting again"

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