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A/n: this is a story I made on tumblr a while ago. It was my very first so the writing isn't really that good but I just wanted to share it with you all.

"Oh shit I'm sorry"
There it is the word that makes me cringe every time.
How can one hate a few syllabled word like I do? That word has been pushing me closer and closer to... insanity. " Get the fuck outta my way rasshole" I sneered at the ignorant clumsy man. I shoved past him an ran out of the small, warm cafe, ignoring peoples questioning stares.They were looking at me with Coffee all over my sorry excuse clothes.
That's the word that's thst has been driving me to madness for so many years. Sorry wont take the pain away or bring her back.
Ever since I was kid everyone has been apologizing and I'm tired of it. I don't need anyone's sorry apologies. What sickened me the most is when they would apologize about her.
Look I'm just a 16 year old orphan run away trying to get away from the hell I've suffered over my 16 years of what some call.. life but to me I was never living. I wont lie I had my doubts about running...again because they usually catch me but this time there's..no going back.
What the fuck just happen? All I did was..apologize and she acted so, so I don't know the exact word for it I guess you could say psychotic but who am I to judge? There's something about this girl she seems..different, weird. I can tell she's not from around here, she has an accent sounds Jamaican or something. I don't know but whatever it is its...Beautiful just like her except for the torn up clothes but that still doesent take away from those flawless eyes. Just by looking at her facial expression I can tell she's been through a lot..and for some odd unusual reason I want know more, more about her and her story, I want to know who's the reason for the misery I see on her beautiful face and what they've done to make her this way? I want to know who's responsible for putting so much hatred in those pretty eyes of hers. I can tell this wont be our last meeting.

APOLOGIESWhere stories live. Discover now