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Kians pov

Its been about two weeks since Levi kissed me in the bathroom. My mind still keeps wandering to that day. I have been doing my best to avoid him at all cost. Hell the beatings i normally got have even started to become fewer and fewer. I guess that means im doing good at avoiding him.

I finish changing into a tshiet and my basketball shorts for gym. I hate this class. The athletes always want to gang up on the weaker students. But today was the worse one, the coach told us we would be playing dodgeball. This just means the athletes get to beat up us other students and not get in trouble.

I head out the locker room and find Cole sitting on the bottom of the bleachers, "so has he said who the team captains are yet," i ask him as i sit down.

Slightly jumping he glares at me, "not yet. But i get the feeling that Levi and Kyle are going to be captains. Which means either way we get hit with balls."

Shaking my head i turn to look out at the gym. I seen Levi coming out the locker room laughing at something his friend said. He looks over at me anx out eyes lock. It feels like an eternity but it was only a few seconds. When he looks away i let out the breathe i had been holding. I taste blood so i feel my lip and realize i bit down on the edge of it. As im getting the bleeding to stop the coach blows his whistle.

"Okay, everyone. Today we are going to play dodgeball. Thompson, you and Miller are captains. Get to picking your teams," he says before turning and walking back to his office.

After teams are picked, me being on Levis team while cole is on kyles. The game starts and i try to just avoid the balls being hummed my way. As i was running out the way i step on one of the balls and fall. Feeling pain i look down at my ankle and realize i have twisted it. Which means no skating for me for a couple days. The  coach comes out of his office when he heard someone yell. He walks over to me and looks at my ankle.

"Well you need to go to the nurse's office," he says looking at me.

Nodding my head i try to stand up and fail. Maybe i caused more damagaed than i first thought.


Levis pov

Coach asked for someone to help Kian to get to the nurses office. This iz my chance to be alone with him for a few minutes. "Ill take him coach," i say walking over.

He nods his head and i help kian stand up. He fell after a few steps, i hear a couple of my teammates laugh. I squa down and scoop Kian up princess style and tote him out the gym. When we got to the hallway he started struggling.

"If you dont stop im gonna drop you. And i dont wanna do that," i say quietly yet sternly.

He looks at me shocked but stops moving, "why are you doing this."

"Because i like you a lot. Ive liked you for a while now," i admit.

At my words he pushes at my chest again, so i carefully place him on his feet. He props his arm on the wall and just stares at me for a momentt.

"What," i tell him.

"How can you like me? You have made the last 3 years of my life hell," he says with a sadness in his voice.

Looking at him i realize he has tears forming, "don't cry. I'm sorry i have been so mean to you. I would take it all back if i could. I hate myself for causing you so much pain."

Grabbing his chin i make him look at me. I step closer as he takes a step backwards towards the wall. I run my hand against his cheek and through his hair, as i start kissing at his tears. Soon he has his arms wrapped around my neck running his fingers through my hair. I grab a bit of his hair and tug slightly so i can bare his neck. I trail kisses along his neck to that sweet spot that makes him moan like he did last time.

"Ahhh.... Levi, please," he whimpers with lust filling his voice.

Running my hand along his hardened member that is cover by his basketball shorts, "i want you so bad, Kian. I've wanted you since freshman year, when i first seen you."

Panting he whispers, "Levi, i can't..... please"

Hearing the way he says my name with that sexual whimper makes my member harden even more. I kiss him passionately as i rub my hand under the edge of his shorts making him let out a moan. As i was about to shove my hand down his shorts i heard a door down the hall open. So i back away from Kian. He lets out a small whimper that makes me look at him. His lips are swollen from being kissed and his hair is a mess, but i find him even sexier this way. Especially  since i'm the one that caused him to feel this way.

"Come on, lets get you to the nurses office. School is almost over," i say as i walk beside him as he limps. I offered to help him but he declined.


Woah, they almost got caught. This is becoming ever more tense as the story progresses.

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