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Kian's pov

It's been almost two weeks since Levi and I had our fight. I'm guessing that was him breaking up with me. He hasn't talked to me since that day. I miss him so much. I don't know what to do

School has just ended; I am headed home when I get grabbed from behind. I turn with my fists flying.

"Woah man. Chill it's just me. I was calling your name but you never answered," Cole said.

Looking down I say, "I'm sorry man, my mind had been elsewhere the past couple weeks."

Smiling he says, "So, what's going on man? You were happy as I had ever seen you up until last Monday. What happened?"
"I don't want to talk about it," I tell him as I start walking home.

"Okay, so you going to the game tonight," he asks.

I look at him confused. Since when did he go to the school basketball games? I don't plan on going. I mean why would I want to see the boy that broke my heart.

Shaking my head, "no I'm just going to stay home tonight. Why you going?"

Looking at me like I had sprouted a few extra heads he says, "You haven't heard? Last Tuesday Levi came out to the entire school. They all know he is gay. The basketball team had issues but the coach straightened all that out."
"Wait what," I stopping in my tracks, "what do you mean? I haven't heard any of this."
Smiling my friend looks at me, "well you would have heard if you would have come to class that day. Plus you kind of been in your own world lately. Does it have anything to do with Levi?"

As we walk to my house I tell my best friend everything. From the romantic date. To us nearly doing it in that hidden escape. What through him off was when I told him about how he didn't help me when I was getting beaten in the hall?

We have been at my house for nearly an hour when he turned to me. I could see he had something on his mind.

"What is it," I ask.

"I think you should apologize to him. I mean he owes you an apology as well, but come on. He was trying to do what you wanted. It isn't his fault you are so difficult to please at time."
My head snapped up, "What do you mean. I'm not that difficult."
"Yeah you are. You have always been picky, if something wasn't the way you wanted it, it wasn't right. Hell, you are my best friend, but that boy stood in front of the entire school and said he was gay. And that he was proud. He did all that for you," he says as he looks away.

I sit there thinking of what he just said. I haven't always been difficult. I can't help if I have a few O.C.D. issues. I mean I just like thinks the way they should be.

Levi, he came out to the school. I hadn't even realized no one has been bullying me since then. No one has even messed with me. Have they always thought I was gay?

I jump off of the bed and rush out the room before Cole even knew what was happening. I ran to the school.

Levi's pov

As the game was coming to an end I scanned the crowds. I had hoped that Kian would have been here. I feel my gut wrench knowing I would never hold him again. I shake my head as the game starts back up. We only had about five minutes left in the game.
As the buzzer sounded there was a loud scream from the crowd. We had won, and Kian wasn't here to celebrate with me. As I was walking back to the bench I was grabbed from behind.

Before I could turn fully I was wrapped in the arms of someone. I noticed the scent I had gotten so use to. I wrap my arms around the boy that has been haunting my dreams. He pulls back slightly. I go to look at him when he pulls my face down to his. I freeze; he is kissing me in front of everyone.
I wrap my arms around him more tightly. I don't want to let go. The kiss is so passionately. I can feel that he is sorry for everything. I pull away and look at him.

"I have missed you so much," I say.

Smiling he looks up at me, "I've missed you too. I am so sorry that I put you through all that. Cole told me what you did last Tuesday. I can't believe you did that for me. I love you so much Levi."

Looking at him surprised. He said he loved me. I was so happy to know that he still loved me. I pull him closer and kiss him again. This time I slow it down. I want to put everything I am feeling into that kiss. I want him to know how much he means to me.

Before I could stop it he was pulled away from me. I looked around to see Cole standing there.

"Dude, what the hell are you doing," Kian asked.

Chuckling Cole nodded his head to the bleachers. I see Kian's face flush. We had totally forgot where we were. I turned to look at everyone and they were all smiling at us.

Before I could say anything there was a loud aww from the entire gym. I Pull Him back to me.

"No one seems to mind. Now let me kiss you again," I tell him pulling his chin up slightly with my index finger.

His face was a bright red. It made him look even more sexy. If we hadn't been in a room full of people I think I would have pushed him against the wall.
A loud whistle made us pull apart. I looked over to see coach waving me over. I groan and let go of Kian.

"I will be back. Please don't leave," I say to him.

Smiling up at me through his lashes he says, "I'll be waiting out front on the front steps."

I give him a quick kiss on the cheek and run to the locker room. I needed a shower and to see what coach wanted.

I tried to hurry and get back out there, but coach wanted to talk about the game. I groan silently. Couldn't we do this Monday at practice?
After he finished talking we all went and got showers. I was in and out in record time. Grabbing my gym bag I sling it over my shoulder and head out.
Walking out the front door I look around for Kian. I see him sitting on the bottom of the stairs. I have missed him so much. I walk down to him so we could get out of here before anyone interrupted us again.

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