These are gonna take some time to finish.
^ When I'm done, the light one will be the kitsune, and the the dark one will be a nogitsune.
Because Japanese stuff is amazing and you could ask me all about kitsunes or zhengs or whatever and I'll spit facts at you all day long.^ bOI this one might take a while.
So the wolf animal is a Firefox, it's actually Spirit. (Not all Firefoxes are that big. Some are as small as actual foxes.)
Yes, Spirit's name is incredibly important to her character.
And yes again, the other character in the drawing is even more important. You know who it is, kinda.Honestly me posting these was just a way to encourage myself to finish them.
Stuff I've Drawn #6
Random(Check out the most recent art book instead!) dONT STOP ME NOWWWWWW •Info in the first chapter•