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Name - Animal - Color - Meaning

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Name - Animal - Color - Meaning

Niff - Crow - Green - New Beginnings

Mallez - Wolf - Red - Passion\Anger

Kveth - Snake - Purple - Wealth

Rue - Deer - Blue - Saddness

Hin - Leopard - Yellow - Hope\Deceit

Amiel - Dragon - Orange - Vitality

There ya go.


Oh why not

Aza - Green

Blaise - Red

Void - Purple

Styx - Blue

Bellel - Yellow

Meadow - Orange

Zayde - Gray

H m m m m

There's an extra character in the second set

Or is there

You all are going to hate me when I finally finish Alter. I will enjoy it.

^ I've been saying this a lot lately so I'm either warning you or I'm lying to you.

I have literally lost the ability to give definitive answers when it comes to Alter now. You must know nothing. Nothing is assured. Nothing is within reason and nothing is too outlandish. Anything could happen and I promise nothing.

Yep okay bye.


Stuff I've Drawn #6Where stories live. Discover now