I know I said I wouldn't be updating but hECK I'm currently running off of all the good vibes ya'll sent me last chapter.
You are all so nice screeeeeeeeeeeeeNow I won't be updating as much, but I am still drawing, so I do have stuff to post.
I wasn't even sad for myself, it was just stress built up from me worrying about a friend and I can't do much about that other than be here for her. I can't let it affect all the aspects of my life, and I'm helping her how I can, so I need to stop taking that negativity and turning it on myself.
That goes for everyone out there too.
Don't let other people drag you down.
Help them, yeah, but don't let it ruin your life.
Even if it is really difficult.
Cuz it gets better.
Even if it isn't better yet.
But it's okay because you're there for people and they're there for you and even if it's far from perfect, you'll be fine.
I'll be okay.
You'll be okay.
We're all gonna be okay in the end so just hold out a bit longer.Anywaysss enough ranting.
Onwards to aRT.
^ oOF it was vent art, but then there was a cool rainbow and now it's pretty.
With rainbows like these I could be Instagram famous in no time.
^Spirit doodle cuz I love her.
More Alter story.
Spirit's name used to be Firel.
She's also the first Firefox and is classified as a Duarum, a type of demon in Alter.
(Look up that definition for more hints.)^I doodled myself in my favorite sweater. It's fluffy, way too big, comforting, light gray, and has the word "sarcasm" across it in big letters.
^Me as a doggo.
Actually I used that "What Dog is This?" thing, and apparently I'm a German Shepherd. It fits perfectly.Have a picture of beautiful Zoey doggo. She cures all ailments.
What a gorgeous puppers
Oh and also: Don't force happiness, even online. I keep doing that and it's nice to pretend but it bites you in the butt later on. Man up and face your emotions. All they want is a nice hug.
Stuff I've Drawn #6
Random(Check out the most recent art book instead!) dONT STOP ME NOWWWWWW •Info in the first chapter•