Chapter 7: The Meal

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Chapter 7: The Meal

I hopped out of the taxi after paying the fee and walked up to the entrance. There was a red carpet and stuff but I casually avoided that and went and loitered by a window, peering in to hopefully catch a sight of Izzy, David, BTS, or anyone I knew. No such luck. I mean I knew they were in there but how was I supposed to go in... It was so fancy, too posh, not like me at all; I was out of my depth and struggling to swim. My breath quickened in my chest again, it seemed to be happening way too often, I thought as the air became hard to breathe. A breeze rushed past me but it wasn't the only reason I was shaking. I coughed a little, my eyes growing teary as the world closed in around me, panic setting in when I felt a gentle hand touch my bare shoulder.

I looked up.

"Mr... Min" I spluttered, eyes wide.

He stood next to me in a dapper black suit, a blackshirt under it, with the top few buttons undone displaying the necklaces hewore underneath. Oh dear lord, I was struggling to breathe before but now Ican't even remember how to. He was so close that I could feel the warmthradiating from his toned and suited body on this brisk evening. His lipstwitched at the corners into a small smile, "What are you doing out here?" heasked huskily, tilting his head to the right ever so slightly as he asked.

"I, I couldn't see anyone in there and I didn't want to go in alone..." I bumbled through my words, partly because of my poor Korean but also my shame in someone seeing my fear. I glanced up at him, his smile gone now and replaced with a dangerously sexy serious look.

"Well lucky for you I got caught up working so now we can go in together."

I started to stutter a protest that I couldn't possibly walk into a company meal with him but it seemed non-negotiable as he started walking towards the entrance. I dashed after him, trying to keep pace with his confident stride in my stupid heels.

We walked up to the almost full table, a seat next to Izzy empty, I threw myself into it and went to vent to her about my issues when I noticed she was already occupied in a conversation with... Jimin?

What the actual fuck. I rolled my eyes, damn she works fast. I turned to the left to see an empty seat then... J-Hope? Why was I sitting in the near BTS?! I swear I miss my normal boring life already. I exhaled as someone sat in the empty seat on my left and I dared to look, hoping it would be Zach, Sam or even Jess at this point.

Nope. It was Min Yoongi.

I barely spoke to anyone except a waiter when I ordered the cheapest item on the menu, which wasn't because I was frugal but more because "delicacies" like mussels and shit didn't really appeal. Yoongi ordered the same. It was quite fucking lonely; I kept hearing Izzy giggle, probably at something Jimin had whispered tenderly in his native tongue.

I swirled the faint gold liquid in the crystal champagne flute and wondered when I could go back and cry myself to sleep. Opposite me sat some members of the Korean team who seemed absorbed in a deep conversation. I barely understood them or Suga and Hoseok as they spoke, they talked so fast and fluently, not like I was trying to eaves-drop or anything. I sighed hard, sipping the expensive shit from my glass tentatively. Zach, Sam and Jess were down the other end of the table, two of them had waved at me when I arrived and the hipster pouted so hard you could it from space.

I moved slightly as a non-descript waiter leant over me to refill my glass... since when had I finished that. What. I shook my head at myself slightly; sometimes I honestly think I'm losing my mind. BTS' music and antics always kept me grounded; it was strange to be sat with them now, it felt dreamlike and unrealistic but maybe that was the alcohol tinting my perception. I felt myself swaying and my mind become overcrowded with worries and thoughts so much so that my head felt completely empty.

Nothing new. The buzz of the deadly champagne warmed me, to the point I was vaguely uncomfortable and I rested my head on my palm, closing my eyes and tilting my tired head in the direction I was leaning. It hit something. A shoulder. I didn't move for a moment before I sat abruptly upright and scooting away from the man. "Mi... minahe" I blurted, bowing my head in embarrassment.

Yoongi couldn't contain his laugh this time and it spilled from him attractively. A little smile crept up on me, but it was wiped away by the sudden wave of pain that struck me in the side of my head. I must've groaned out loud because his laughter stopped and he looked me directly in the eyes before I had to scrunch them up in pain.

"Are you alright Y/N?" I heard his voice, soft and low and so close by. I opened my eyes and attempted a smile, "yeah I'm okay thank you Mr Min, I just have a bit of a headache that's all."

"Okay." He said before turning back to Hoseok; the loneliness seemed so much greater now that I had interacted and was left by myself again.

Sudden movement caught my attention and I watched as Mr Min slid a frosty glass of water towards me without turning to look at me. He coughed slightly; "You look hot" he stated simply in English before continuing to talk to Hoseok. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT MIN YOONGI. I mean he probably meant that I was incredibly flushed, which I am even more so now, but was there a chance he didn't mean just that?

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