Chapter III: Taken

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Damned: chapter III

"Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise."

- Thomas Gray

You know that place between absolute panic and calm? Well when you think of it, that's where I am.

I wiggled my body, or at least tried to. Nothing would respond, frustration was building up. Instead of trying to move my body, I felt it; hey, one step at the time eh?

I felt the smooth cotton sheets beneath me, the soft pillow beneath my head. Oh and let's not forget my oh-not-so-subtle headache pounding through my head, well; obviously my head. Ever heard of a headache,not near the head? Wait, I'm off topic.

Where am I?! I thought, as frustration clouded me.

Almost like a door opened, the feeling in my body started to come back. Yet something felt new, foreign yet familiar. I managed to open my eyes, and well; I thought I died because of the bright lights in the room. Then I realized that the room was a room. Not heaven, although I doubt I'll go to heaven when I die knowing all those pranks I pulled. Hah, I snorted mentally, I can't imagine myself with a halo!

I stretched my body, freeing the tension from my joints. I scanned the room, it was pretty simple. White walls, wooden chairs, four poster bed, most things were white except for the furniture which was a smoked wood color.

I cautiously stood up, shifting the weight from foot to foot. The cold tile floor was unwelcoming as I fell. I was dressed in my wrinkled t-shirt and skinny jeans when I left for swimming, then I remembered everything.

The exceptional speed I swam and the absolute bliss being in the water, the fight with Austin. Wait, Austin?

"Ohmigod!" I whispered

Austin Kenneth! And the push, the dead grass and then I blacked out. I gasped, I quickly spun around and found my shoes. Rushing to put them on and stretching my so joints and muscles.

I sped out the door with only one thought in mind, I need to get out of here!

Where's here?

I rushed into the corridor, and turned frantically. What the fuck is this? I thought angrily as I turn into another dead end. A freaking maze? I scowled, turning the corner I ran into a guy.

"Woah. Slow down there, what's the rush?" he asked, catching me.

I racked my head for an excuse, getting lost in his amazing eyes. They were a a shade of like brown to dark gold, my thought interrupted when the boy waved a hand in front of me.

"Oh, right. Umm well, you see I was going to.." I paused and scratched my head. "to my car! Yes, my car and umm see my uh, friend is having a baby and as the godmother you see. I have to go!" I laughed nervously, "can you point the way out?"

"Oh well, alright then. Um just turn left and go straight and turn right then left again. Well uh, good luck?" he smiled slyly, obviously not believing my lie. I looked up as I was about to answer, and he froze for a moment as realization dawned him.

"Wait! You're the girl Austin brought in!" Oh, so Austin did bring me here. I thought, Wow sneaky aren't we? I scowled at the sound of his name and shook my head, turning my heel walking towards the directions he pointed out as he grabbed me.

"Wait! You're not suppose to leave!"

Bad mistake. What's with people and grabbing me these days, I thought, throwing my hands up. I quickly retaliates and flipped the poor dude, pressure pointing him in the process. Knocking him out, and double checking after, I dragged him into a nearby closet and shut the door with a broom across the handle.

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