Chapter V: Taken...Again

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Damned: chapter V

' Scientia potentia est'- Thomas Hobbes

I woke to the sound of an engine. Humming along with the crunch of gravel beneath the vehicle. My body was numb so I wiggled trying to get feeling into my legs, but the were bound. I surveyed my surroundings, I was lying in a trunk; a strip of sunlight peaked from the lid.

I peaked out, but cringed as the bright lights blinded me. Being kidnapped should not be a daily thing, I thought angrily. Austin, if I see you; you better prepare your funeral. I looked around, there was a screw driver rolling along the side, and a length of rope to my right.

The trunk was small, my body took much of the space, but I managed to grab the screwdriver with my mouth. Desperate times calls for desperate measures,I thought to myself as a taste of rust and dirt flooded my sensitive taste buds. Using my hands, I took the screwdriver from my mouth and began to slowly gnaw on the rope at my foot.

I was sweating and soon the hum of the car slowed to a stop. I panicked, quickly kicking my legs out, the remaining rope snapped. Although my hands were still tied, I laid down pretending I was still out from what ever they gave me.

Just as I suspected, I heard the closing of the car door and footsteps towards me.




Just as they opened the door, I jumped out of the truck; high kicking the guy in the chest. I heard a groan and happily ran, well; until I ran into a nice and hard...chest.

Damn it, I cursed. A string of words flew from my mouth as they gripped my arms, not at all looking amused was the guy I kicked. I caught sight of a foot print on his shirt, I stifled a laugh. They began to walk, and having to half pushed half dragged me with them.

Frustrated with the silence I said "So are you guys going to talk to me?"

No one said anything so I analyzed them. There were 4 people here, three boys and one girl. The girl would be pretty if she stopped glaring at me, and I realized I broke her nose and wrist the other day. The boy as well, I chuckled; how did they heal so fast? There was the one with the foot print on his shirt, I looked at him. Tall, chocolate colored hair, deep green eyes, and broad shoulders. Handsome no doubt, but the footprint ruins it all.

Last but not least, I'm presuming as the leader. Soft gold hair, and silvery amber eyes, sharp features but handsome. Handsome would be an understatement, I snorted, he was stiff. I wonder if I make him uncomfortable, I mused. There were laughing lines on his face but seemingly gone. Almost no sense of joy around him, cool and collected. I tripped on a stair as they shoved me forward.

"Hey! You better be nice or I'll give you another foot print to match!" as a reply he just grunted but I can see hints of amusement on his face. Following he's gaze, I looked up. I gasped, this building, well more like a tower. Looked regal and grand, I can see hints of Victorian or Greek architecture on it. Almost as if the architect decided to cross the temple of Athena with the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

Another thing odd around here is that the building is made up of only natural minerals. Metal, wood, bricks, no plastic or cement or concentrated wood; I gawked at the building as I was shoved into the door. Glaring at the girl who smirked, I walked in head high. Kind of awkward with my hands bound but some how I managed. Until I ran into someone.

"Watch where you're going!" he growled

"Why don't you? I didn't even see you!" I snapped, the girl gasped and others bowed. Bowing? What is this 18th century? I snorted.

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