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"Hey kid, where did you come from?"
The figure of a man asked the 8 year old who was sitting alone on the bench." M-mommy and d-daddy were killed b-by a v-vampire!"he young boy managed to say those words while In tears. The man pitied the young boy. "Come!" The man said holding the kid's hand. "Where are we going to?" The young little child asked the male. "You don't have a home right?" The boy shook his head. " Do you want to avenge their death?" He nodded. Looking s determined. "I'll give you power to kill those blood suckers." The little boy followed him."My name is Guren Ichinose and your name is?"

"Y-yuu, Yuichiro Amane Hyakuya."

-------8 years later----------

"Done in this section." The blonde haired girl said checking the area. "Let's go off to the next section!" A purple haired girl rejoiced.

*Back to the beginning of the story*

"Oi! Yuu wake up!" Guren shouted at a sleeping Yuu. "One more hour." He shifted to the side. This made Guren angry. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE BED!" He shouted which woke Yuu up, completely. "Good, now hurry up and get into your uniform. Breakfast is almost ready."

Yuu was in a new home, new town and was going to a new school. Yuu sighed as he stood up from his sitting position.
Yuu started wearing his uniform and then combed his hair. He went downstairs to only be greeted by Shinya, who was waving at him. Yeah he had two dads, so what? "Honey, I'm so happy that you're going to school today." He said as he drank his orange juice. Yuu sat there eating some toast and eggs. Yuu then drank some milk and said that he would go brush his teeth and head to school.

Yuu ran upstairs. He directly went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth.

Yuu's POV

Shinya and Guren bid me goodbye before I went out of the house. I walked to the school in silence when I met a girl who had the same uniform as me.

I walked up to her. "Hello! You're from my school aren't ya? But, it's weird that I have never seen you before." She said as we walked to school. "Oh, I'm a new student. I just moved here about two days ago." She nodded and continued walking to school. "So, my name is Shinoa, Shinoa Hiragi."
Why does her name sound familiar?
" Yuu, Yuichiro Amane Hyakuya."
Her eyes widened. "Yuu-san!" She chirped.
"Shinoa! I didn't notice it was you for a moment! You look so different." I said as she did her signature chuckle. "Hehehe. Yuu-san, you kissed anyone yet?~" she looked at me with a smug expression. "Yeah I did!" I said obviously lying. "You're really bad at lying yuu-san~" she chuckled after. Oh right, I forgot to tell you that Shinoa was my best friend from grade 4. She transferred towns after first year is highschool. "Fine I didn't." I gave in as we reached the gates of the school. There were so many people outside chatting. Then out of nowhere "cherry boy!~" Shinoa said it aloud that everyone stopped chatting and just literally looked at us. I wanted to vanish completely. Like just go away with the wind. But reality wouldn't let me do that. Hell no. There was no way I could even go back to time "Shhh!" I told her so that she would stop. Did she even notice that people were just looking at us for a moment?

"Shinoa!" A boy came running to our direction. He had brown hair and another shade of green eyes. He reached us and started panting heavily. "Oh, Shinoa. Who is he?" The boy asked Shinoa. "Oh! Meet Yuu! And Yuu meet Yoichi. yuu was my friend when we were in fourth grade!~" Yoichi shook my hand and said "well, welcome to Shibuya high!"

"KYAA~! IS THAT HIM! OH MY GOD!" then out of a blue, all the people who were chatting ran to the figure and bowed to him. I literally didn't know what was going on, but when I saw Yoichi and Shinoa kneel, I decided that maybe I should kneel too?

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