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"Why are you still awake brat?" The blonde snarled as he took of his cape. "YOU, YOU KILLED MY MOM!" Yuu shouted. The prince gave him a questioning look. "What the fuck do you mean?" " Don't act like you don't know! You were with them. Those vampires who came in that night to kill my parents!" Yuu shouted, clenching his fists together. The prince gave him a "what the fuck?!" Look. Yuu knew what he was talking about. He knew he was right. "Why that night though? We just had a great dinner together then you guys just interrupted when we were going to bed! If only you guys would have died and my parents we-" "I FUCKING TOLD YOU I DON'T KNOW WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!" He slammed his fist against the wall which made a loud noise. Yuu stayed quiet. 'i know I'm right. It could be him!' Yuu glared at him and started walking off to bed. He didn't care whatever the prince was doing anyways. He just drifted off to sleep, again.

Yuu's POV

I was walking with my mom that Afternoon.
We didn't have much to do so
My mom decided to go grocery shopping.
We went in the super market and
Grabbed all the things we needed.
"Mommy, can I buy an ice-cream?" I
Pointed at the ice-cream cart.
My mom giggled and said " of course,
But remember to brush your teeth!"
We then went to the cart. I bought a chocolate flavoured ice-cream, since I love chocolate. Then, I saw a boy sitting on the bench beside a shop.
He looked lonely and sad.
Mom looked at my gaze, she noticed him.
"Yuu, how about buying that child
An ice cream? It could cheer him up."
Mom suggested.
"One vanilla ice cream please!" I paid the ice cream man and went to the child.
He looked up. Wondering.
"This is for you. Mommy said that this could cheer you up!" I handed him the ice-cream. Damn, he has very cold hands. He smiled.
"Thank you!"

I woke up the next morning. Crap! I drooled! I got up and checked the time. "7:30" shit! I only have ten minutes to get ready. I got up and raced to the bathroom. I took a quick shower,ate breakfast so fast and changed my clothes. Brushed my teeth ,fixed my stuff. I brought my sword just in case. Then I went out the door.

"Me, Yuu-san, did you give your little boyfriend my requests?" Shinoa teased me, putting her hands on her waist. God, she really is annoying. "For the last time, I don't have a boyfriend and I did not do those and never will!" I snarled at her. She started laughing, god even her laugh is annoying. We were sat on the bench user the tree. It was break so my group decided to sit there. Then all of a sudden, girls started squealing at the top of their lungs, oh god , please don't tell me,the prince, well, speak of the devil, more like the vampire. He was surrounded by an ocean of girls.he had 4 other people with him.
"Psst! Guys, who are those 4 other people?" I whispered to my group. " Oh ya, I forgot to tell you." Shinoa said as she crossed her legs. " They are the student council as you could see, The prince is the president, the guy with the purple hair is Rene, he is the vice President. The guy with the red and brown hair is Crowley, he is the secretary. Then the guy with the silver hair is Ferid, he is the Treasurer and last but not least that's Chess, she is the Auditor. They say that She is engaged with the prince." Wait, what? Then why does he still sexually harass people besides her? This doesn't make sense. I nodded and glanced back at the swarm of people.
  I got tired of the scene and looked somewhere else. Guren was walking with Shinya. Of course since they work at the same place.
   "OI! YOU GUYS COME HERE!" He waved at us as we headed to his location. "What is it guren-san?" Shinoa asked first. "I got a report that there will be an attack in any minute now." He said as he pushed his hair back. "WHY DID YUU NOT TELL US ANY SOONER?!" I shouted which caused some of the girls to look at our direction. "Keep it down you brat." Guren said as he smacked my head.
    "Just get ready." And he walked away. Piece of crap. Such a carefree bitch. "Well let's ge-" "AAAH!" a scream came. Shit, is the battle beginning? I looked over and saw five vampires who jumped from out of nowhere. "DRAW YOUR WEAPONS!" Shinoa  shouted. I drew my sword and got ready to fight.
  "Pathetic humans. We shall kill you!" They ran to us. We fought each one of them. "GUYS! HELP!" Mitsuba screamed, she was trapped. Shinoa swung her scythe. "Kill him Shi-chan!" Then there was a wave of black and orange that killed the vampire. So that is what Shinoa's demon can do. I got to caught up with the skill that I didn't notice that there were three vampires surrounding me. "You're dead human!" They charged.
"Asuramaru, give me power!" I was able to cut them all with on swing. I was shocked. Holy shit, that is damn powerful. "We did it again squad, we did it!" We celebrated.

I arrived at the dorm late. I still had a meeting with that stupid Guren. I loosened some buttons of my shirt and pulled my hair behind my ear. I could say I looked damn cool. I got some ice cream from the fridge and settled on the couch. I turned my laptop on and scrolled through Twitter. Then the door opened. Oh god. The prince is here, again. I made sure we were not in the same room so as soon as he went in the small living room, I legit moved to the kitchen. I avoided him the best I could. It continued for about an hour. " You know you don't have to keep moving from room to room. " He leaned against the wall of the living room. " So what?" I avoided eye contact and tried escaping. He blocked the way. " Stop avoiding me. You're too obvious." He leaned close to my figure. " You're imagining things." I looked down my feet. " Well, fuck, you're too cute." He said as he pulled my chin up. Just to tell you that my hair was still pulled back but, i was  wearing my pajamas. " And to mention you look hot with your hair like that." He said as he viewed his eyes on my hair. "The fuck?" I glared at him and brushed him away. He pulled my arm and suprise kissed me. I try pushing him but, him being a vampire, he was damn strong. He pushed me onto the couch. "Oi! Get off me!" I tried pushing him away. Nope, didn't work. "Get- nghh."  He nibbled my neck. Shit, he's good with this.
"Hah... S-stop." He licked my jawline. "Ngh, ahh....cut it.... hah... Out." He bit my ear. How the fuck is he good at this? I have to stop him before I loose my self. "Stop!" He unbuttoned my pajamas, leaving me with my bared chest. He roamed his cold hands on my exposed chest. I don't know why but, these hands felt familiar. As if I felt it before. He sucks my nipples making me moan out in pleasure. I felt him chuckle. Then he goes back and kisses my lips rather roughly. Saliva slipped. He kissed my nape, shoulder, biceps and hands. "M-mika. I...hah." did I just say his name? He sucks my neck."Yes Yuu-chan?" Crap don't say it you ass hole. "I want.... You." Shit I lost my self. " Well, looks like we feel the same. Let's have fun~" fuck, I dug my own grave.


Heya! I hope you guys enjoyed this. There might be smut in the next chapter so be prepared.
            Love y'all,
Arikarin 5677😉


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