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   Sorry I hadn't been updating for a while. School had just been so stressful and annoying but here is the 2nd chapter. Hope you enjoy!


   Yuu's POV
I keep on dreaming about it every night. It's like that thing is stuck there. Right in my mind where it can't go anywhere else than my head.

    "Oi. Time to wake up!" Guren shouted at me as I turned to the other direction. I didn't want to go to school today. I don't even know why. "I SAID, WAKE THE FUCK UP YOU BITCH!" He poured cold water on me. It was fucking cold and in the morning. Great. Just great. I gave in and decided to get up wiping the water from my eyes.
"Breakfast is ready so go down stairs after you change." And with that he shuts the door leaving me alone in the room.

I scratched my head. Feeling quite weird about the contract. Plus, why did the "Prince" cover his nose and glared at me? Did I smell bad or something?  I decided to start wearing my uniform and went downstairs.


"So, Yuu-chan, found any crush yet?~" Shinoa poked her head out of the club room door. Yes, there were times for clubs and stuff. "Shut the fuck up, SHITnoa." She acted like she was hurt.  Then I saw Kimizuki (telephone pole) reading a book. Well, sleeping with a book stuck on his face. I smirked evily.

    Third person's POV

   "Oi, telephone pole, you done being sleeping beauty?" "The fuck did you just say?!" "THAT YOU'RE SLEEPING BEAUTY, GOT A PROBLEM FOUR EYES?!" " SAYS THE CHERRY BOY." Yuu grits his teeth and then they start barking at eachother like dogs. Mitsuba then stands on her position (which is between both of them.) She then slaps Yuu's and kimizuki's head. They winced at the sharp pain that was left after the slap. "Bakas! We are here to kill the vampires who threaten the humans not the humans who threaten the humans. When will you guys grow the fuck up?!" Mitsuba scolds them as Shinoa chuckles as she watches them get scolded by her dear mitsu-chan.

      "Now now, let's not hurt anyone shall we?~"  Shinoa said, pushing them away from eachother. Yuu and Kimizuki looked away from eachother, both angry.

   "Much better." Yoichi said.

Yuu's POV

  "YUICHIRO AMANE HYAKUYA, PLEASE PROCEED TO THE ROYAL OFFICE IMMEDIATELY!"  The voice said. Who could've been calling for me? Oh well. "See you guys later." I waved them goodbye.


   I walked through the corridor. It was awfully quiet since they were in their club rooms.

   Though I feel like someone was watching me. I turned around but no one was there. And when I faced to my front......

    The last thing I remembered was golden locks before all my vision came black.


Sorry for not updating for sooo long! I just had so much writer's block. Sorry if it's short. I'll try making it longer in the next chapter.

           Love y'all,
       Arikarin5677 💎

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