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Yuu woke up to his alarm ringing. He groans and gets up. Yuu still couldn't stop thinking about last night. He walked up to the Prince's bed and was about to wake him up when, he plopped down the bed.
"Wah?!" The prince hugged him. " Oi! YOU SHOULDN'T PRETEND TO SLEEP! BAKA!" I struggled to break free but, it was no use. So, he tried another option, it was to use no other than.... PEPPER SPRAY!!! He pulled it out of his pocket and sprays it to the Prince's face. " Let the power of pepper spray compel you!" The prince covers his face. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" He furiously grit his teeth. I quickly did my routine and put on my shoes.


"YUU! OVER HERE!" Shinoa waved from the lunch table. I walked up to the table and sat down beside Yoichi.
"Did you guys hear that someone is going to marry the prince next month?l really am scared for the girl." Mitsuba sighed.
'Wait, what?' I sat there in silence. 'How did I not know about this.' it's not like the prince and I are close, but, I just felt a twist in my stomach. "Yuu? Are you alright?" Yoichi shook my shoulder.
I couldn't hold them any longer. "Uh.. guys, I have to go get my notebook. I forgot it in my dorm room. Haha, I'm so forgetful." I stood up, head hanging lowly.
"Sure, just come back okay?" I nodded. I speed walked to my dorm.
I was just a hall away from the dorm when I heard a familiar voice just ahead of me.
"Yuu? What are you doing here?" The prince asks. "I just forgot my notebook. Haha, I'm here to get them." I was about to walk straight ahead when he grabbed my hand. "Yuu, what's wrong?" His worried voice spoke. "Nothing, I'm fine." "Yuu, I know something's wrong." He gripped my hand. " Shut up, I said I'm fine didn't I?" I'm sure he heard my voice tremble, so, he spun me around. My tears slipped from my eyes.
"I knew it, you weren't alright." He grits his teeth and pulls me to our dorm. "Eh- wait!"
He slammed the door shut and locked it. He pushed me to the nearest wall. "So, what's wrong?" He demanded. I looked down. "I'm sorry, it's just stupid." "Just. Tell. Me." He scared me so I replied. " Well, i-it's because you are getting married next month so I..." He sighs. "You?" "I was scared of losing you." I bit my lip.
"Oh, for god's sake, do you think I would marry that bitch?" My eyes widen as he chuckled. "You really are a thick headed brat." He came close to my ear " Would you like some fun?" My face grew red. Fuck, Shinya and Guren, what do I do?


Heya! Guys! Thanks so much for almost getting 900 reads! To be exact, I'm really thankful for all of you who spend your time reading this horrible book, but, thanks for your support and love! Also, sorry for making it short.

Should I make the next chapter smut or not? Please tell me in the comments section.
Love y'all,
Arikarin 5677😉

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